Florida Sharks & Rays - Endless Oceans Class (Virtual)

October 18, 2021

In this class we explore elasmobranch anatomy and ecology, focusing on local shark and ray species. We will discuss their ecological importance, diet, conservation status, current threats and current Mote research.

Key topics: Florida Elasmobranch species, Elasmobranch physiology, Shark conservation, Trophic levels

Each class will offer an optional “Active Learning” component from 12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. where participants will participate in hands-on learning activities related to the day’s topic.

Please Note: This class is part of Mote's Endless Oceans: Marine 101 course. Semester and single class registration available. Pre-registration is required. Ages 18 and up only.

Members $30.00
Non-Members $35.00