
Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

(MML 9219, FB 300)

Age Class Adult
Gender Male
Date Stranded June 23, 1992
Location of Stranding Matlacha Pass, Pine Island, FL
Date of Arrival June 23, 1992
Number of Days of Care 37

Final Disposition

Released on 31 Jul 1992

MML 9219 was weak, with abrasions from entanglement, muscle and liver damage. Lesions of the fungus Lobomycosis were present on the skin of the flukes and peduncle. He was started on prophylactic antibiotics, fluids, supportive care, and was transferred to a small lagoon on day 3. Matt began eating and swimming after 2 days. Recovery was uneventful. He was released back into Matlacha Pass and seen numerous times over the next 2.5 years.

Cause of Stranding

Entanglement in crab trap line


Gorzelany, J. F., "The rescue, rehabilitation, and reintroduction of an injured Atlantic bottlenose dolphin along the southwest Florida Coast. International Marine Animal Trainers Association conference, Bahamas, November 1992.

Gorzelany, J. F. and Wells, R. S., "Longterm resightings of two stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) rehabilitated and reintroduced into southwest Florida waters." Society for Marine Mammalogy conference, Orlando, FL, 1995.

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