
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)


Age Class Adult
Gender Female
Date Stranded June 20, 2003
Location of Stranding Longboat Pass, Longboat Key, FL
Date of Arrival June 20, 2003
Number of Days of Care 86 days

Final Disposition

Released near Marco Island on September 14, 2003

This turtle was found unable to submerge in Longboat Pass and was retrieved by US Coast Guard and Longboat Key Police personnel. Turtle was admitted to the Hospital covered in barnacles, very emaciated, and very anemic, but alert and responsive. Turtle was started on antibiotics and treated for the anemia. 6/24 The turtle is eating well and the anemia is slowly improving. 7/4 Turtle is still eating well, but anemia is no longer improving. We are looking for a source of erythropoietin to try to reverse the non-regenerative anemia that is present. 7/9 Turtle has finally begun to produce immature red blood cells and the anemia is being reversed. Turtle's appetite is excellent. 7/21 Anemia continues to resolve and turtle is gaining weight. 7/25 Continued improvement. 8/1 Turtle is continuing to improve. 8/5 Eating well and gaining weight. 8/14 Anemia is almost completely resolved and turtle is off all antibiotics. May be ready for release in the near future. 8/22 Continuing to do very well. 9/4 Anemia is completely gone and we are investigating the release options for this turtle, given the red tide in the area. 9/9 Turtle has been approved for release within the next week to 10 days. 9/11 Silver and Stubby are now scheduled for release on 9/14 near Marco Island, FL. 9/14 Turtle was released today.

Frontal view

Lateral view

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab