Guest Speakers from Mote

Mote’s professional Educators will come to you and share a multimedia presentation on the marine science topic of your choice. Science Talks feature Mote’s research programs locally and around the world. Educators will bring props and biofacts to enhance the presentation and hands-on activities can be included by request. Science Talks can be scheduled for audiences of all ages from pre-K to grey! You pick the date, time and topic and we bring the science to you!

Fee: $350 per Talk

  • Discounts are available for multiple program bookings
  • Mileage is not included in the above fee and is billed to your organization at the current federal rate per mile round trip from Mote to your location. Please see your invoice for rate and details.
Topics include:
  • Aquaculture
  • Coral Reefs
  • Harmful Algal Blooms (red tide)
  • Invertebrates
  • Marine Careers
  • Marine Mammals
  • Ocean Technology
  • Sea Turtles
  • Sharks & Rays

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