Florida Master Naturalist Program and University of Florida IFAS logos


The Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) is an adult education UF/IFAS Extension program developed by the University of Florida and pro­vided by participating organizations like Mote Marine Laboratory.

The FMNP prepares participants to share their knowledge with others in a positive way that helps others feel a greater connection to the land and sea and to help others develop their own personal environmental ethics.

Information on the ecology of Florida’s systems is an integral part of the program, but the goal is not to create experts in botany, herpetology or any other discipline. Instead, the FMNP initiates a life-long process of learning, observation and of sharing with others. Students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge of Florida’s natural systems, of the plants and animals that depend upon these systems and of the role humans play in shaping our past, determining our future and as environmental stewards.

Who Should Attend

Students must be 18 or older and interested in learning more about Florida’s environment. Those who benefit include environmental educators, natural resource managers, volunteers, eco-tour guides, teachers and anyone wishing to expand their knowledge of Florida’s natural world. Professionals and teachers have obtained CEUs and in-service credit.


Core courses consists of 40 contact hours. Students need only bring their enthusiasm, meet attendance requirements and complete assigned activities. These courses are a combination of classroom presentations, educational videos, supplemental assignments, field experiences and a final project.

FMNP Instructors

Jason Robertshaw
(941) 388-2904

Upcoming Courses

  • In general, Mote offers the Coastal Systems Module in March–May and the Freshwater Systems Module from July–September. Check the FMNP website for upcoming availability from Mote and all other FMNP organizations.
  • Confirmed Dates for Hybrid Coastal Systems Course: in-person all day on Mondays and online on Wednesday mornings, from March 31 through April 28. Check the FMNP website for registration details.

Course Policies


  • You cannot miss more than 8 hours (20% of the 40 contact hours) This is a FMNP policy and cannot be modified by the Instructor.
  • To receive certification, the 8 hours or less missed must be made up by completing an assignment of equal time and content. Approval of the Instructor is required.
  • If total hours missed exceeds 8 hours, certification is not possible regardless of material made up.
  • All absences should be discussed with the instructor in advance. In case of emergencies, please notify Instructor as soon as possible.


Visit the FMNP website for the latest cancellation information and additional details.