Satellite tagged sea turtle released from Lido Beach

Mote Marine Laboratory scientists tagged an adult male loggerhead sea turtle nicknamed “Intrepid” with a satellite transmitter and released him this morning, July 27 from Lido Beach, Sarasota County, as part of a conservation-focused research effort. The turtle was rescued June 7 when citizens...

New shark species named in honor of Mote founder

Story contributed by Florida Institute of Technology with additions from Mote Marine Laboratory Dr. Eugenie Clark was a pioneer in shark biology, known around the world for her illuminating research on shark behavior. She was also a pioneer in another critical way, as one of the first women of prominence...

Whale shark update: transmitter reveals Minnie’s location

Written by Stephanie Hagan A few weeks ago, Mote scientists placed tracking devices on two whale sharks nicknamed “Minnie” and “Colt” offshore of Longboat Key and New Pass in Sarasota. On Saturday, June 30, Minnie’s tag “pinged” and revealed her location about 50 miles north of the Florida...