“Pierre” was released

Former Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital patient "Pierre" was released from Anna Maria Island on Tuesday, July 5. The juvenile green sea turtle was admitted to the Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital on January 31, 2022. The turtle was found floating at the surface near Anna Maria Island City Pier...

Name a satellite-tagged sea turtle!

"Name Me" has a name! Contest winner Carol Bishop named the turtle Cecil, in honor of her mother. Thanks to Carol for her support of Mote's sea turtle research. Follow Cecil at mote.org/seaturtletracking From now through August 9, members of the public can support Mote Marine Laboratory’s...

Eight endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles released

On Feb. 1, Mote Marine Laboratory released eight Kemp’s ridley sea turtles from Mote’s Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital. These turtles, plus a ninth Kemp’s and one green sea turtle still at Mote, came to Florida on Dec. 8 as part of a team effort to rehabilitate 46 cold-stunned turtles initially...