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Aaron Barleycorn

Field Coordinator

Sarasota Dolphin Research Program (SDRP)

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans


Aaron Barleycorn is employed by the Chicago Zoological Society, and based at Mote Marine Laboratory as part of a partnership to engage in dolphin research, education, and conservation action.


B.A. in Marine Science, Eckerd College

Current Publications

Schwacke, L. H., Thomas, L., Wells, R. S., Rowles, T. K., Bossart, G. D., Townsend Jr, F., Mazzoil, M., Allen, J. B., Balmer, B. C., Barleycorn, A. A., Barratclough, A., Burt, L., De Guise, S., Fauquier, D., Gomez, F. M., Kellar, N. M., Schwacke, J. H., Speakman, T. R., Stolen, E. D., Quigley, B. M., Zolman, E. S., Smith, C. R. (2023). An expert-based system to predict population survival rate from health data. Conservation biology, e14073.
Lacy, R. C., Wells, R. S., Scott, M. D., Allen, J. B., Barleycorn, A. A., Urian, K. W., Hofmann, S. (2021). Assessing the Viability of the Sarasota Bay Community of Bottlenose Dolphins. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8.
Fahlman, A., Tyson Moore, R. B., Stone, R., Sweeney, J., Faulkner Trainor, R., Barleycorn, A. A., McHugh, K., Allen, J. B., Wells, R. S. (2023). Deep diving by offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.). Marine Mammal Science.
Moore, M. J., Lanagan, T. M., Wells, R. S., Kapit, J., Barleycorn, A. A., Allen, J. B., Baird, R. W., Braun, C. D., Skomal, G. B., Thorrold, S. R. (2024). Development of single-pin, un-barbed, pole-tagging of free-swimming dolphins and sharks with satellite-linked transmitters. Animal Biotelemetry, 12(6).
Sherman, K. K., Beaulieu-McCoy, N. E., Wurster, E. L., Wells, R. S., Smith, C. R., Barleycorn, A. A., Allen, J. B., Kellar, N. M. (2021). Serum correlation, demographic differentiation, and seasonality in common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Sarasota Bay, FL. Scientific Reports, 11, 8941.
Cloyed, C. S., R. M. Wilson, B. C. Balmer, A. A. Hohn, L. H. Schwacke, E. S. Zolmann, M. C. Tumlin, R. S. Wells, A. A. Barleycorn, J. B. Allen and R. H. Carmichael (2021). Specialization of a mobile, apex predator affects trophic coupling among adjacent habitats. Scientific Reports, 11, 19611.
McHugh, K. A., Barleycorn, A. A., Allen, J. B., Bassos-Hull, K., Lovewell, G., Boyd, D., Panike, A., Cush, C., Fauquier, D., Mase, B., Lacy, R. C., Greenfield, M. R., Rubenstein, D. I., Weaver, A., Stone, A., Oliver, L., Morse, K., Wells, R. S. (2021). Staying Alive: Long-Term Success of Bottlenose Dolphin Interventions in Southwest Florida. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 624729.
Fhalman, A., Allen, A., Blawas, A., Sweeny, J., Stone, Rae., Faulkner Trainor, R., Jensen, F. H., McHugh, K., Allen, J. B., Barleycorn, A. A., Wells, R. S. (2023). Surface and diving metabolic rates, and dynamic aerobic dive limits (dADL) in near- and off-shore bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops spp., indicate that deep diving is energetically cheap.. Marine Mammal Science, 1-18.

Additional Publications

Balmer, B., McDonald, T., Hornsby, F., Adams, J., Allen, J., Barleycorn, A., Clarke, P., Cush, C., Honaker, A., McHugh, K., Speakman, T., Wells, R., Schwacke, L. (2018). Long-term trends in a northern Gulf of Mexico common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. J. Cetacean Res. Manage., 18, 1-9.