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Carole L. Neidig

Staff Scientist

Fisheries Ecology & Enhancement Program

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans


Carole L. Neidig, M.Sc. is a Staff Scientist in the Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture. She has worked at Mote for more than 28 years as a principal or co-principal investigator on more than 30 collaborative federal, state, and non-governmental organization funded grants. Her research includes studies in the fields of Stock Enhancement, Marine Aquaculture, and Fish Biology.

Her research has focused on marine fish husbandry, reproduction, maturation status, and larval and juvenile culture methods of common snook, red drum, red grouper, and black sea bass; life history, movement and migration of pelagic fishes (king and Spanish mackerel, cobia, amberjack, and dolphin); movement, migration, recapture rates, and survival of Atlantic tarpon; and movement, survival, habitat preferences, recapture rates, and contributions of priority hatchery-reared stock enhancement species including red drum, common snook and threatened Gulf Sturgeon, using implanted acoustic transmitters or other tagging methods. Ms. Neidig is working with commercial fishers to establish Mote as a center to advance the transition of electronic monitoring to a regional capacity to improve the collection of accurate catch and release data from the Gulf of Mexico reef fish fishery. She has many years of experience working in partnership with commercial fishermen and commercial fishing alliances in the southeastern U.S. and southern Gulf of Mexico and recreational anglers, government agencies, community members, businesses, and environmental groups in the southeastern U.S. She has successfully involved recreational anglers as citizen scientist participants and stakeholders in a number of research projects. She is also actively involved in co-coordinating Mote Teach-A-Kid Fishing and Ecology Clinics and research fishing tournaments.


M.Sc. Fisheries Science, University of Arizona

B.S. Biology and Environmental Science, Grand Canyon College

1998-2006. Scientific Advisor, Florida Power Crystal River Mariculture Center Technical Advisory Committee
2000. Most Significant Paper in the North American Journal of Aquaculture in 2000. “Techniques for spawning common snook, broodstock handling, oocyte staging and egg quality.”
1993. Co-Chair, 3rd Snook Symposium, Mote Marine Laboratory

Current Publications

Carole Neidig, Max Lee, Genevieve Patrick, Ryan Schloesser (2024). Employing an innovative underwater camera to improve electronic monitoring in the commercial Gulf of Mexico reef fish fishery. PLOS ONE, 19(3), e0298588.
Carole Neidig, Max Lee, Daniel Roberts, Ryan Schloesser (2024). Characterization of the U.S. Eastern Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Bottom Longline Catch through Fishery Collaboration with Electronic Monitoring. Marine Fisheries Review, 85(1-4), 82-110.
Grier, H.J., Neidig, C.L., Quagio-Grassiotto, I. (2017). Development and fate of the postovulatory follicle complex, postovulatory follicle, and observations on folliculogenesis and oocyte atresia in ovulated common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Journal of Morphology, 278(4), 547–562.

Additional Publications

Grier, H.J., Neidig, C. L., Quagio-Grassiotto, I. (2017). Developmentand fate of the postovulatory follicle complex, postovulatoryfollicle, and observations on folliculogenesis and oocyteatresia in ovulated common snook, Centropomus undecimalis(Block, 1792). Journal of Morphology. 1-16.doi: 10.1002/jmor.20652

Guindon, K., C. Neidig, M. Tringali, S. Gray, T. King, C. Gardinal, and B. Kurth. 2015. An overview of the Tarpon Genetic Recapture Study in Florida - a citizen science success story, Environmental Biology of Fishes. Vol. 98 Issue 11, p2239-2250. 12p. 

Neidig, C., H.J. Grier, K.L. Main, and N. Rhody. 2015. Development and validation of an adaptable oocyte staging scale to assess reproductive condition in common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract-World Aquaculture, New Orleans, LA February 2015:328.

Rhody, N. R., C.L. Neidig, H.J. Grier, K.L. Main, H. Migaud. 2013. Assessing Reproductive Condition in Captive and Wild Common Snook Stocks: A Comparison between the Wet Mount Technique and Histological Preparations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2013 142(4):979-988.

Tringali, M.D., K.M. Leber, W.G. Halstead, R. McMichael, J. O’Hop, B. Winner, R. Cody, C. Young, C. Neidig, H. Wolfe, A. Forstchen, and L. Barbieri. 2008. Marine Stock Enhancement in Florida: A Multi-disciplinary, Stakeholder-supported, Accountability-based Approach. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 16(1, 2):51-57.

Neidig, C., Armstrong, C., Roberts, D. and King, T. 2007. Surgical Implantation of acoustic transmitters in juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Abstract-World Aquaculture and Sea Ranching Conference, Stock Enhancement Session, San Antonio, TX.

Neidig, C., K. Leber, M. Tringali, and B. Halstead. 2007. Preliminary evaluation: An angler based fin clip program for assessing red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus hatchery contributions in Tampa Bay, FL, USA. Abstract-Aquaculture 2007, San Antonio, TX. February 2007.

Roberts, D., C. Neidig, and C. Armstrong. 2007. Project Tampa Bay. An acoustic telemetry geographical assessment of stock enhancement based on release site habitat, fish displacement, and habitat associations of phase three red drum Sciaenops ocellatus. Abstract-Aquaculture 2007, San Antonio, TX. February 2007.

Neidig, C., Armstrong, C., Roberts, D. and King, T. 2006. Surgical Implantation of acoustic transmitters in juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Abstract-Third International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching, Seattle, WA. 

Neidig, C., Roberts, D., Armstrong, C. and Leber, K. 2006. Dispersal, habitat associations, survival, and residence time of Hatchery-Reared and Wild Juvenile Red Drum, Sciaenops ocellatus in the Alafia River Estuary, Tampa Bay, FL. USA. Abstract-Third International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching, Seattle. WA.

Tiersch T. R., Wayman W. R., Skapura D. P., Neidig C. L., and Grier H. J. 2004. Transport and cryopreservation of sperm of the common snook, Centropomus undecimalis [Bloch]. Aquaculture Research. 2004:278-288.

Neidig, C.L., D.E. Roberts, and C.M. Armstrong. 2004. Activity patterns and distribution of hatchery-reared and wild juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in the Alafia River, Tampa Bay, FL-A preliminary evaluation. 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, St. Petersburg, FL. Pp. 72-73.

Neidig, C. and K. Leber. 2003. Acoustic telemetry: an assessment tool in Project Tampa Bay - red drum stock enhancement. Abstract-BASIS- 4, the Fourth Tampa Bay Area Scientific and Information Symposium, St. Petersburg.

Neidig, C, K. Leber, J. Ransier. 2002. Acoustic Telemetry: It’s Application to Assess the Feasibility of Stock Enhancement of Red Drum, Sciaenops ocellatus in Biscayne Bay and Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Abstract-132ND AFS Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. p. 324.

Neidig, C., K. Leber, Ph.D. and J. Ransier. 2002. Acoustic tracking of hatchery-reared and wild red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus to assess the feasibility of stock enhancement in Biscayne Bay, FL., USA. Abstract-Second International Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching Symposium held in Kobe, JAPAN.

Neidig, C., K. Leber and J. Ransier. 2002. Acoustic telemetry: it’s application to assess the feasibility of stock enhancement of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus in Biscayne Bay and Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Abstract-132ND AFS Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Neidig, C. and M. Higham. 2002. Acoustic telemetry: Its application to assess the feasibility of stock enhancement of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus in Biscayne Bay and Tampa Bay, FL., USA. Abstract-American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Annual Conference held in Victoria, BC.

Grier, H. and C. Neidig. 2002. “Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) induces ovarian regression in common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract-World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture American Conference, San Diego, CA.

Neidig, C. L., D. S. Skapura, and H. J. Grier. 2001. Induction of ovulation in common snook, Centropomus undecimalis [Bloch], using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH). Proceedings of the 52nd Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. 52:360-362.

Grier, H.J. and Neidig, C.L. 2001. The use of wet-mount biopsies to monitor final oocyte maturation in common snook, Centropomus undecimalis and red drum Sciaenops ocellatus. Abstract-Aquaculture 2001, Lake Buena Vista, FL, p. 468.

Neidig, C.L., J. Ransier, and K, Leber. 2001. Acoustic tracking of hatchery-reared and wild red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, to assess the feasibility of stock enhancement in Biscayne Bay and Tampa Bay, Florida. Abstract-Aquaculture 2001, Lake Buena Vista, FL, p. 259.

Bert, T., R. McMichael, Jr., R. Cody, A. Forstchen, W. Halstead, K. Leber, C. Neidig, J. O’Hop, J. Ransier, M. Tringali, B. Winner, and F. Kennedy. 2000. Evaluating stock enhancement strategies: a multidisplinary approach. Abstract-World Aquaculture Society Conference, Nice, France

Grier, H.J. and C. Neidig. 2000. Gonads and Gametes of Fishes. In: Cryopreservation in Aquatic Species. Tiersch, T.R. and P.M. Mazik, editors. World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Pp. 1-12.

Neidig, C.L., D.P. Skapura, H. J. Grier, and C. W. Dennis. 2000. Hatchery techniques for spawning a saltwater fish, common snook, Centropomus undecimalis [Bloch]: Broodstock handling, oocyte staging, and egg quality. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 62:103-113.

Ransier, J., C. Neidig, K. Leber, B. Halstead, and B. Dennis. 2000. The restoration of a red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) fishery in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Abstract-World Aquaculture Society Conference, Nice, France.

Grier, H. and C. Neidig. 1999. Final oocyte maturation in the common snook Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract-American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology. State College, PA.

Neidig, C., J. Ransier, B. Dennis, and R. Edwards. 1999. The use of sonic tags to track mixed assemblages of wild and hatchery-reared red drum. Abstract-Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 19th Annual Meeting held in Brooksville, FL.

Neidig, C., J. Ransier, T. King. 1999. The use of sonic tags to track mixed assemblages of wild and hatchery-reared red drum. Abstract-19th Annual Meeting, Florida Chapter American Fisheries Society. Brooksville, FL.

Kennedy, S.B., J.W. Tucker, C.L. Neidig, G.K. Vermeer, V.R. Cooper, J.I. Jarell, H. Hoier and D.G. Sennett. 1998. Bacterial management strategies for stock enhancement of warmwater marine fish: A case study with common snook (Centropomus undecimalis). Bulletin of Marine Science. 62(2):573-588.      

Tucker, J.W. 1998. Marine Fish Culture. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell, MA. (Photomicrographs of common snook oocyte stages using a coverslip method and criteria for describing the stages of oocyte development in common snook provided by H. Grier and C. Neidig).

Neidig, C.L., D.P. Skapura and H.J. Grier. 1998. Final oocyte maturation stages and ovulation in common snook, Centropomus undecimalis [Bloch]. Abstract -The International Triennial Conference and Exposition of the World Aquaculture Society, National Shellfisheries Association and American Fisheries Society Fish Culture Section. Las Vegas, NV. p. 384.

Skapura, D.P., C.L. Neidig and H.J. Grier. 1998. A comparison of different doses of chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) on ovulation and egg quality in common snook, Centropomus undecimalis [Bloch]. Abstract-The International Triennial Conference and Exposition of the World Aquaculture Society, National Shellfisheries Association and American Fisheries Society Fish Culture Section. Las Vegas, NV. p. 502.

Neidig, C.L., D.P. Skapura, and H.J. Grier. 1998. Methods to improve production of common snook, Centropomus undecimalis for stock enhancement. Freshwater and Marine Fisheries Enhancement: A Realistic Examination. Abstract-18th Annual Meeting, FL Chapter American Fisheries Society. Brooksville, FL. March 11, 1998.

Kennedy, S.B., J.W. Tucker, C.L. Neidig, G.K. Vermeer, V.R. Cooper, J.I. Harell, H. Hoier, and D.G. Sennett. 1998. Bacterial balance in reared marine fish: Case studies with common snook, striped mullet, spotted seatrout, and red drum. Freshwater and Marine Fisheries Enhancement: A Realistic Examination. Abstract-18th Annual Meeting, FL Chapter American Fisheries Society. Brooksville, FL. March 11, 1998.

Neidig, C.L., P.C. Dufault, R.O. DeBruler and D.P. Skapura. 1997. Methods for maintaining red grouper, Epinephelus morio, (Serranidae) in controlled environment tank systems. Abstract-Annual International Conference and Exposition of the World Aquaculture Society, Seattle, WA. p. 380.

Neidig, C.L., D.P. Skapura and H.J. Grier. 1997. Evaluating egg quality in common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract-Annual International Conference and Exposition of the World Aquaculture Society, Seattle, WA. p. 430.

Neidig, C.L. and P.C. Dufault. 1997. Surface spray -- a method for improving larval common snook, Centropomus undecimalis, and survival. Abstract-Annual International Conference and Exposition of the World Aquaculture Society, Seattle, WA. p. 130.

DeBruler, R.O. Jr., C.L. Neidig, A.K. Dukeman, D.W. Keal and J.W. Sprinkel. 1997. A comparison of prey selection of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Linnaeus), from three Florida estuaries based on gut content analysis. Abstract-Annual International Conference and Exposition of the World Aquaculture Society, Seattle, WA. p. 114.

Kennedy, S.B., J.W. Tucker, C.L. Neidig, G.K. Vermeer, V.R. Cooper, J.L. Jarrel and D.G. Sennett. 1997. Bacterial flora associated with common snook. Abstract-Annual International Conference and Exposition of the World Aquaculture Society, Seattle, WA. p. 250.

Neidig, C.L., P.C. Dufault, R.O. DeBruler, D.P. Skapura and S. Koulish. 1996. Gonadal sex reversal with methyl-testosterone implants in the protogynous red grouper, Epinephelus morio-A preliminary evaluation. Abstract-U.S. Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, Arlington, TX. P.111.

DeBruler, R.O. Jr., C.L. Neidig, D.W. Keal and J.M. Sprinkel. 1993. Stocking of hatchery-produced red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in Bowlee’s Creek, Sarasota Bay, FL: A preliminary evaluation. Florida Scientist 56(1): 22.

Neidig, C. 1993. Stocking of hatchery-produced red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in Bowlee’s Creek, Sarasota Bay, FL: A preliminary evaluation. Abstract-Florida Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, FL.

Neidig, C. 1993. Acute upper temperature tolerance of larval snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Snook Symposium, Sarasota, FL.

Neidig, C. 1993.  Larval snook, Centropomus undecimalis, diet trials. Abstract-Snook Symposium, Sarasota, FL.

Neidig, C. and K. Burns. 1992. Cobia, Rachycentron canadum, Amberjack, Seriola dumerili, and Dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus, Migration and Life History Study off the Southwest Coast of Florida. Abstract-Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, Fifth Annual MARFIN Conference, Corpus Christi, TX. Pp.33-40.

Neidig, C. 1988. Growth of snook, Centropomus undecimalis: early-life history stages in seawater, reduced-salinity and near-freshwater conditions. Abstract-52nd Annual Meeting of the Florida Academy of Sciences, Tampa, FL.

Neidig, C.L., R.E. Edwards, J.M. Sprinkel and W.S. Heidelbaugh. 1987. Growth of common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Early-life stages in seawater, reduced-salinity and near-freshwater conditions. Florida Scientist. 51(1):9.

Neidig, C.L. 1984. Feeding rates of threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense (Gunther), on different sized zooplankton. University of Arizona, Master’s Thesis.