Marina Villoch joined Mote as an intern in 2019 with the Coral Health and Disease Program and has since been promoted to Coral technician in 2020 and Laboratory Manager in 2022. Her involvement in coral health, genetics, restoration and resiliency has resulted in completion of multiple projects, which will further benefit coral reef restoration within Mote. Furthermore, she regularly participates in outreach events and workshops, engages with visiting researchers, and trains interns in molecular-based techniques.
2019 B.S. Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Current Publications
Additional Publications
Williams SD, Klinges JG, Zinman S, Clark AS, Bartels E, Villoch Diaz Maurino M, Muller EM (2022). Geographically driven differences in microbiomes of Acropora cervicornis originating from different regions of Florida’s Coral Reef. PeerJ 10:e13574