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Amanda Foltz

Curator - Mammals and Reptiles


Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans



Amanda has been working in the field of animal behavior and training for nearly 10 years working with a variety of exotic and marine animals, and also working for the Navy Marine Mammal Program with Bottlenose dolphins and California sealions. Starting out as an intern at Mote in 2009 with our resident manatees, she’s since worked in all of the various animal care programs to include resident sea turtles and sea turtle hospital, but primarily with the past resident dolphins. Her most recent career highlight was being given the opportunity to help develop and design the otter exhibit, and establish and evolve the otter husbandry and training program. 


University of Texas at El Paso- B.S Biology, minor: Chemistry
Moorpark College- A.A. Exotic Animal Training and Management

Additional Publications

Perez, B.C., Mehrkam, L.R., Foltz, A.R., Dorey, N.R. (2018). Effects of Enrichment Presentation and Other Factors on Behavioral Welfare of Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata). J. Appl. Anim. Welf. Sci., 21(2). 130-140. doi:10.1080/10888705.2017.1383161