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Erich Bartels

Staff Scientist & Program Manager

Coral Reef Monitoring & Assessment Program

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans


Based at The Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research & Restoration in Summerland Key, Florida, Mr. Bartels has worked on projects related to coral reef research, monitoring, and restoration for more than 20 years

Current Publications

Hanna R. Koch, Briana Matthews, Celia Leto, Cody Engelsma, Erich Bartels (2022). Assisted sexual reproduction of Acropora cervicornis for active restoration on Florida’s Coral Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 959520.
Williams SD, Klinges JG, Zinman S, Clark AS, Bartels E, Villoch Diaz Maurino M, Muller EM (2024). Geographically driven differences in microbiomes of Acropora cervicornis originating from different regions of Florida’s Coral Reef. PeerJ, 10.0, e13574.
Aguirre EG, Million WC, Bartels E, Krediet CJ, Kenkel CD (2024). Host-specific epibiomes of distinct Acropora cervicornis genotypes persist after field transplantation. Coral Reefs, 41.0, 265-276.
Elder, H., Million, W.C., Bartels, E., Krediet, C.J., Muller, E.M. and Kenkel, C.D. (2022). Long-term maintenance of a heterologous symbiont association in Acropora palmata on natural reefs. ISME Journal, 16(2), 400-411.
Hanna R. Koch; Yuen Azu; Erich Bartels; Erinn M. Muller; (2022). No apparent cost of disease resistance on reproductive output in Acropora cervicornis genets used for active coral reef restoration in Florida. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 958500.

Additional Publications

Woesik, R.V., Banister, R.B., Bartels, E., Gilliam, D.S., Goergen, E.A., Lustic, C., Maxwell, K.,Moura, A., Muller, E.M., Schopmeyer, S., Winters, R.S., Lirman, D. (2020) Differential survival of nursery‐reared Acropora cervicornis outplants along the Florida reef tract. Restoration Ecology.

Platz, M.P., Takeshita, Y., Bartels, E., Ariasa, M.A. (2020) Evaluating the potential for autonomous measurements of net community production and calcification as a tool for monitoring coral restoration. Ecological Engineering, Volume 158, 106042.

Lustic, C., Maxwell, K. Bartels, E., Reckenbeil, B., Utset, E., Schopmeyer, S., Zink, I., Lirman, D. (2020) The impacts of competitive interactions on coral colonies after transplantation: A multispecies experiment from the Florida Keys, US. Bulletin of Marine Science.

Weber, L., P. González-Díaz, M. Armenteros, V. Ferrer, F. Bretos, E. Bartels, A. Santoro, and A. Apprill (2019) Microbial signatures of protected and impacted Northern Caribbean reefs: changes from Cuba to the Florida Keys. Environmental Microbiology 22(1), 499–519.

Muller, E.M., Bartels, E., Baums, I.B. (2018). Bleaching causes loss of disease resistance within the threatened coral species Acropora cervicornis. eLife, 7:e35066. doi: 10.7554/eLife.35066

O’Donnell, K.E., Lohr, K.E., Bartels, E., Baums, I. B., Patterson, J. T. (2018). Acropora cervicornis genet performance and symbiont identity throughout the restoration process. Coral Reefs, 37(4), 1109-1118. doi:10.1007/s00338-018-01743-

Parkinson, J.E., Bartels, E., Devlin-Durante, M.K., Lustic, C., Nedimyer, K., Schopmeyer, S., Lirman, D., LaJeunesse, T.C., Baums, I.B. (2018). Extensive transcriptional variation poses a challenge to thermal stress biomarker development for endangered corals. Mol. Ecol., 27(5), 1103-1119. doi:10.1111/mec.14517

Drury, C., Schopmeyer, S., Goergen, E., Bartels, E., Nedimyer, K., Johnson, M.,… Lirman, D. (2017). Genomic patterns in Acropora cervicornis show extensive population structure and variable genetic diversity. Ecology and Evolution. 1-13.

Schopmeyer, S.A., Lirman. D., Bartels, E., Gilliam, D.S., Goergen, E. A., Griffin, S.P….Walter, C.S. (2017). Regional restoration benchmarks for Acropora cervicornis. Coral Reefs. doi:10.1007/s00338-017-1596-3

Ladd MC, Shantz AA, Bartels E, Burkepile DE (2017) Thermal stress reveals a genotype-specific tradeoff between growth and tissue loss in restored Acropora cervicornis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 572:129-139.

Kuffner, I.B., E. Bartels, A. Stathakopoulos, I.C. Enochs, G. Kolodziej, L.T. Toth, and D.P. Manzello (2017). Plasticity in skeletal characteristics of nursery-raised staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis. Coral Reefs.

O’Donnell, K.E., Lohr, K.E., Bartels, E., Patterson, J.T. (2017). Evaluation of staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis, Lamarck 1816) production techniques in an ocean-based nursery with consideration of coral genotype. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology, 487, 53-58.

C. Drury, K. E. Dale, J. M. Panlilio, S. V. Miller, D. Lirman, E. A. Larson, E. Bartels, D. L. Crawford and M. F. Oleksiak (2016) Genomic variation among populations of threatened coral: Acropora cervicornis. BMC Genomics, 17:286.

Hill, M., C. Walter, and E. Bartels (2016) A mass bleaching event involving clionaid sponges. Coral Reefs, 35(1): 153.

Kenkel, C.D., G. Goodbody-Gringley, D. Caillaud, S.W. Davies, E. Bartels, and M.V. Matz (2013) Evidence for a host role in thermotolerance divergence between populations of the mustard hill coral (Porites astreoides) from different reef environments. Molecular Ecology, 22: 4335–4348. doi: 10.1111/mec.12391

Vaughan, D. and E. Bartels (2012). Coral Propagation can produce large numbers of coral transplants, In: Kruczynski, W.L. and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). 2012. Tropical Connections: South Florida’s marine environment. IAN Press., University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, Maryland. 492 pp.

C.V. Palmer, E.S. McGinty, D.J. Cummings, S.M. Smith, E. Bartels, and L.D. Mydlarz (2011) Patterns of coral ecological immunology: variation in the responses of Caribbean corals to elevated temperature and a pathogen elicitor. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:4240-4249

Johnson, M.E., C. Lustic, E. Bartels, I.B. Baums, D.S. Gilliam, L. Larson, D. Lirman, M.W. Miller, K. Nedimyer, and S. Schopmeyer (2011) Caribbean Acropora Restoration Guide: Best Practices for Propagation and Population Enhancement. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA.

Schopmeyer, S.A., D. Lirman, E. Bartels, J. Byrne, D.S. Gilliam, J. Hunt, M.E. Johnson, E.A. Larson, K. Maxwell, K. Nedimyer, and C. Walter (2011) In Situ Coral Nurseries Serve as Genetic Repositories for Coral Reef Restoration after an Extreme Cold-Water Event. Restoration Ecology.

Lirman, D., S. Schopmeyer, D. Manzello, L.J. Gramer, W.F. Precht, F. Muller-Karger, K. Banks, B. Barnes, E. Bartels, A. Bourque, J. Byrne, S. Donahue, J. Duquesnel, L. Fisher, D. Gilliam, J. Hendee, M. Johnson, K. Maxwell, E. McDevitt, J. Monty, D. Rueda, R. Ruzicka, and S. Thanner (2011) Severe 2010 Cold-Water Event Caused Unprecedented Mortality to Corals of the Florida Reef Tract and Reversed Previous Survivorship Patterns. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23047.

Eakin CM, Morgan JA, Heron SF, Smith TB, Liu G, et al. (2010) Caribbean Corals in Crisis: Record Thermal Stress, Bleaching, and Mortality in 2005. PLoS ONE 5(11): e13969.

Shank, G.C., R. Lee, A. Vähätalo, R.G. Zepp, and E. Bartels (2010) Production of chromophoric dissolved organic matter from mangrove leaf litter and floating Sargassum colonies. Marine Chemistry 119:172–181

Shank, G.C., R.G. Zepp, A. Vähätalo, R. Lee, and E. Bartels (2010) Photobleaching kinetics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter derived from mangrove leaf litter and floating Sargassum colonies. Marine Chemistry 119:162–171

Zepp, R.G., G.C. Shank, E. Stabenau, K.W. Patterson, M. Cyterski, W. Fisher, E. Bartels, and S. Anderson (2008) Spatial and temporal variability of solar ultraviolet exposure of coral assemblages in the Florida Keys: Importance of colored dissolved organic matter. Limnology and Oceanography. 53(5): 1909-1922.

Cervino, J.M., F.L. Thompson, B. Gomez-Gil, E.A. Lorence, T.J. Goreau, R.L. Hayes, K.B. Winiarski-Cervino, G.W. Smith, K. Hughen, and E. Bartels (2008) The Vibrio core group induces yellow band disease in Caribbean and Indo-Pacific reef-building corals. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 105(5): 1658 – 1671.

Neeley, M.B., E. Bartels, J.P. Cannizzaro, K.L. Carder, P. Coble, D. English, C. Heil, C. Hu, J. Hunt, J. Ivey, G. McRae, E. Mueller, E. Peebles, and K. Steidinger (2004). Florida’s black water event, In: Harmful Algae 2002, Steidinger et al., eds., Proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae, Florida Marine Research Institute, Florida Institute of Oceanography, UNESCO, St. Petersburg, FL, pp. 377-379.

Stabenau, E., R.G. Zepp, E. Bartels, and R.G. Zika (2004) Role of seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) as a source of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in coastal south Florida. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 282:59-72.

Hu, C., F.E. Muller Karger, Z. Lee, K.L. Carder, B. Roberts, J.J. Walsh, C. Heil, P.G. Coble, K. Steidinger, G. McRae, R.H. Weisberg, R. He, E. Johns, T. Lee, B. Keller, N. Kuring, J. Cannizzaro, J. Ivey, G.A. Vargo, R.G. Zepp, J. Boyer, R. Jones, G. Kirkpatrick, R.P. Stumpf, E. Bartels, E. Mueller, R. Pierce, J. Culter and J. Hunt (2002) Satellite images track 'black water' event off Florida coast. EOS. 83(26):281 285.

Anderson, T.W., C.T. Bartels, M.A. Hixon, E. Bartels, M.H. Carr, and J.M. Shenker (2002) Current velocity and catch efficiency in sampling settlement stage larvae of coral reef fishes. Fisheries Bulletin. 100(3):404 413.