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Dr. Krystan Wilkinson

Postdoctoral Scientist

Sarasota Dolphin Research Program (SDRP)

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans


Krystan Wilkinson is a postdoctoral scientist employed by the Chicago Zoological Society and based at Mote Marine Laboratory as part of a partnership to engage in dolphin research, education and conservation action. Wilkinson is also an adjunct scientist with the Sharks & Rays Conservation Research Program at Mote. Her research assesses predator-prey interactions between sharks and coastal bottlenose dolphin populations in southwestern Florida.


Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Ecology, University of Florida (2018) 
M.Sc. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (2014), University of Florida
Certificate, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (2010), University of Wisconsin 
B.S. Zoology, University of Wisconsin (2008)
B.S. Biological Aspects of Conservation, University of Wisconsin (2008)

Current Publications

Griffin, L.P., Friess, C., Bakenhaster, M.D. et al. (2024). Assessing the potential for red tide (Karenia brevis) algal bloom impacts on Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) along the southwestern coast of Florida. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 106.0, 255-273.
Clavere-Graciette, A.G., McWhirt, M.E., Hoopes, L.A. et al. (2024). Microbiome differences between wild and aquarium whitespotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari). Animal Microbiome, 4.0(34.0).
Wells RS, Cremer MJ, Berninsone LG, Albareda D, Wilkinson KA, Stamper MA, Paitach RL, Bordino P (2024). Tagging, ranging patterns, and behavior of franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) off Argentina and Brazil: Considerations for conservation. Marine Mammal Science, 38.0(2.0), 571-605.
DiMaggio, K. M., Acevedo, M. A., McHugh, K. A., Wilkinson, K. A., Allen, J. B., Wells, R. S. (2023). The fitness consequences of human-wildlife interactions on foraging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Marine Mammal Science, 1-17. 10.1111/mms.13042
Boggio-Pasqua A, Bassos-Hull K, Aeberhard WH, Hoopes LA, Swider DA, Wilkinson KA and Dureuil M (2024). Whitespotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) age and growth in wild (in situ) versus aquarium-housed (ex situ) individuals: Implications for conservation and management. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.0, 960822.

Additional Publications

McBride-Kebert, S., J.S. Taylor, K.A. Wilkinson, H. Lyn, F.R. Moore, D.F. Sacco, B. Kar, and S.A. Kuczaj, II. In Review. Common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, seasonal habitat use and interactions with habitat characteristics in Roanoke Sound, North Carolina. International Journal of Comparative Psychology.

Cerutti-Pereyra, F., K. Bassos-Hull, X. Arvizu-Torres, K.A. Wilkinson, I. García-Carrillo, J.C. Perez-Jimenez, R.E. Hueter. 2017. Observations of spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) in the Mexican Caribbean using photo-ID. Environmental Biology of Fishes,

Mullin, K.D., T. McDonald, R.S. Wells, B.C. Balmer, T. Speakman, C. Sinclair, E.S. Zolman, F. Hornsby, S.M. McBride, K.A. Wilkinson, and L.H. Schwacke. 2017. Density, survival, and ranging patterns of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Mississippi Sound following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. PLoS ONE, 12(10): e0186265.

Wilkinson, K.A., R.S. Wells, W.E. Pine, III, R.R. Borkhataria. 2017. Shark bite scar frequency in resident common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Marine Mammal Science.

Wells, R.S., L.H. Schwacke, T.K. Rowles, B.C. Balmer, E. Zolman, T. Speakman, F.I. Townsend, M. Tumlin, A. Barleycorn, K.A. Wilkinson. 2017. Ranging Patterns of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in and near Barataria Bay, Louisiana, following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Endangered Species Research, 33: 159-180.

Bassos-Hull, K., K.A. Wilkinson, P.T. Hull, D.A. Dougherty, K.L. Omori, L.E. Ailloud, J. Morris, R.E. Hueter. 2014. Life history and seasonal occurrence of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari, in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97:1039-1056.

Brockmeier, E.K., W.E. Pine, K.A. Wilkinson, N.D. Denslow. 2014. Exposure to paper mill effluent at a site in North Central Florida elicits molecular-level changes in gene expression indicative of progesterone and androgen exposure. PLoS ONE, 9(9): e106644.