Ocean Technology

Molly Dent

Molly Dent

Instrumentation Specialist

Molly began her tenure with Mote in 2022, assuming the role of Research Technician within the Red Tide Institute subsequent to her graduation with a Bachelor of Arts in Marine Bioacoustics from Hampshire College. Transitioning to the Ocean Technology Research Program in 2023, she assumed the position of Instrumentation Specialist. Molly demonstrates a particular focus on bioacoustics and soundscapes, coupled with a keen interest in understanding the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine fauna. Within the Ocean Technology division, Molly is actively engaged in the maintenance and deployment of Mote's Slocum ocean glider fleet, contributing to the profiling of biogeochemical variables within the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, Molly is involved in the design and fabrication of various water quality sensors and their associated telemetry.


Cones, S., Dent, M., Walkes, S., Bocconcelli, A., DeWind, C., Arjasbi, K., Rose, K., Silva, T., Sayigh, L. (2022). Probable signature whistle production in Atlantic white-sided (Lagenorhynchus acutus) and short-beaked common (Delphinus delphis) dolphins near Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Marine Mammal Science 39(1): 338-344.