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Photos of Aquarium Animals by Miguel Montalvo

Convict blenny

Pholidichthys leucotaenia

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans

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Fun Facts

Convict blennies secrete mucus from their eyes that they use to cling onto hard surfaces, preventing them from being carried away by ocean currents. 

Species Type:


Common Name(s):

Convict blenny


The convict blenny can grow up to 13.4 inches (34 centimeters) long.


These blennies eat smaller fish, snails and crustaceans like shrimp.

Range & Habitat:

Throughout the western central Pacific Ocean, convict blennies can be found in shallow lagoons, sandy bottom areas and coastal reef communities.


Convict blennies have a striking appearance with their brightly colored yellow bodies and irregular black spotting. Their funky display of bright colors and patterns confuses predators into thinking they’re venomous and should be left alone. These blennies also resemble eels with their long and slender bodies.