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Leaf plating montipora

Montipora capricornis

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Fun Facts

Lighting conditions and water flow greatly influence the form that leaf plating montipora grow into.

Species Type:

Corals, Invertebrates

Common Name(s):

Leaf plating montipora


These corals grow quicker the closer they are to a light source. Colonies of leaf plating montipora can reach the size of a football field!


Using its polyps, leaf plating montipora filter organic compounds and small marine organisms from the water in their environment. They also have a special algae—called zooxanthellae– in their tissues that photosynthesize the sun's rays into energy/food.

Range & Habitat:

Often found in lagoons, leaf plating montipora exists in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.


Leaf plating montipora range in color from purple and blue to brown. They grow in whorl-like formations with flat plates extending from a single base.