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Suckermouth catfish

Hypostomus plecostomus

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Fun Facts

When suckermouth catfish swim in water that's too cold for them, their fins turn red.

Species Type:


Common Name(s):

Suckermouth catfish


Suckermouth catfish can grow up to 20 inches (50 centimeters) long.


These catfish eat algae, decomposing animal matter and plankton.

Range & Habitat:

Suckermouth catfish can be found in quiet, slow moving freshwater environments like swamps, estuaries and rivers. They exist along the coast of Texas as well as central and southern Florida.


Suckermouth catfish have long, elongated bodies with rough, bumpy scales and flat undersides. They have a dark brown-black base and lighter colored spots and stripes. This patterning helps them blend into their environment with ease. Other distinctive features include: two short barbs on their wide mouthes and tall dorsal fins.