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Three-colored hermit crab

Clibanarius tricolor

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Fun Facts

Three-colored hermit crabs can live up to 30 years!

Species Type:


Common Name(s):

Three-colored hermit crab


On average, the three-colored hermit crab grows to an inch (2.5 centimeters) in length.


Three-colored hermit crabs are known as a cleaner species, eating marine debris, algae and glass anemone.

Range & Habitat:

Throughout the western Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, the Three-colored hermit crab can be found in rocky intertidal shorelines.


Three-colored hermit crabs get their name from their tricolored (orange, blue and white) legs. Hermit crabs are only born with a thin exoskeleton, so they claim an empty hard shell to protect themselves from predators. Sometimes, they’ll get into battles with other hermit crabs for their shells.