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Blue Eye Tang

Twospot bristletooth tang

Ctenochaetus binotatus

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Fun Facts

Twospot bristletooth tangs have a spine near their tail that they can extend and retract.

Species Type:


Common Name(s):

Twospot bristletooth tang


These fish can grow up to 8.7 inches (22 centimeters) long.


Twospot bristletooth tangs eat marine debris and single-celled algae.

Range & Habitat:

In the Indian and Pacific Oceans, twospot bristletooth tangs can be found near deep lagoons, seaward reefs and rocky areas.


Twospot bristletooth tangs have orange-brown bodies with fine blue lines. They have blue eyes, blue spots on their head, a black spot at the base of the dorsal fin and crescent-shaped tail.