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Coral Biobank Alliance members are working collaboratively to share and standardize methods used to preserve coral genetic diversity for conservation and restoration. Currently, the methods used by our members include:

  • Coral collection from reefs (with appropriate government permits)
  • Coral colony maintenance in breeding systems, including in remote areas
  • Long-distance shipping of coral colonies
  • Coral health and growth monitoring
  • Ex-situ coral conservation through preserving living coral biodiversity in state-of-the-art ex situ “coral ark” facilities
  • Genetics: Metatranscriptomics, metagenomics,16S (microbiome), genetic management planning
  • Breeding: Collecting gametes from broodstock and combining them in different genetic crosses with the goal of fostering species resilience with hundreds to thousands of diverse offspring
  • Cryopreservation of coral sperm so they can be used later for breeding or genetic studies
  • Targeting resilient broodstock: Integrating corals that are more resistant to known stressors than other genotypes in addition to facilitating and promoting genetic diversity