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Areas of Research

Environmental Health

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans

Healthy oceans mean a healthier quality of life for us all. At Mote, we study ocean phenomena that impact environmental health and coastal communities—harmful algae, climate change, pollution and more—to develop practical solutions ranging from red tide mitigation to ecological restoration.

We survey ocean and coastal environments, deploy precision sensors, analyze samples in our specialized labs and disseminate our findings to societal leaders and the public, informing decisions that benefit our oceans and communities.

By the Numbers

coastal sites in 5 states

monitored by Mote's Beach Conditions Reporting System ( as of late 2023

water samples analyzed for red tide

by the Mote-FWC Cooperative Red Tide Research Program in the past year—a key part of a statewide monitoring network

scientific teams from around the world

did research in Mote's Climate & Acidification Ocean Simulator (CAOS) in the last year.

years of water quality monitoring conducted by Mote

in bays and estuaries in Sarasota County, Florida. This ongoing effort contributes vital data for understanding the health of our waters.

red tide mitigation projects completed or underway

focused on mitigating the Gulf of Mexico’s severe red tides through the Mote-FWC Red Tide Mitigation & Technology Development Initiative

Category of Hurricane Ian, the powerful storm that spurred a new Mote study

Mote and University of Maryland are investigating intense stormwater flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Study topics: How might storms intensified by climate change worsen ocean acidification, lower dissolved oxygen & boost algae blooms?

Beach Conditions

Mote's Beach Conditions Reporting System