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Mote Research


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Explore Mote Marine Laboratory's latest marine science by searching and browsing our peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, books and chapters.

This page launched in 2024 and is continually adding new citations. Thanks for your patience as we continue to upload Mote's collection dating back to the 1930s. See all citations by year in our annual reports.

2024 Scientific Publications

Gonzalez, C., Postaire, B., Driggers, W., Caballero, S., & Chapman, D. (2024). Sphyrna alleni sp. nov., a new hammerhead shark (Carcharhiniformes, Sphyrnidae) from the Caribbean and the Southwest Atlantic. Zootaxa, 5512(4), 491-511.
John J. Langan, Jungyun Bae (2024). Advancements in the Programmable Hyperspectral Seawater Scanner Measurement Technology for Enhanced Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms. Journal of Marine Science Engineering, 12(10), 1746.
Womersley, F. C., Sousa, L. L., Humphries, N. E., Abrantes, K., Araujo, G., Bach, S. S., Barnett, A., Berumen, M. L., Bessudo Lion, S., Braun, C. D., Clingham, E., Cochran, J. E. M., de la Parra, R., Diamant, S., Dove, A. D. M., Duarte, C. M., Dudgeon, C. L., Erdmann, M. V., Espinoza, E., Ferreira, L. C., Fitzpatrick, R., González Cano, J., Green, J. R., Guzman, H. M., Hardenstine, R., Hasan, A., Hazin, F. H. V., Hearn, A. R., Hueter, R. E., Jaidah, M. Y., Labaja, J., Ladino, F., Macena, B. C. L., Meekan, M. G., Morris Jr., J. J., Norman, B. M., Peñaherrera-Palma, C. R., Pierce, S. J., Quintero, L. M., Ramírez-Macías, D., Reynolds, S. D., Robinson, D. P., Rohner, C. A., Rowat, D. R. L., Sequeira, A. M. M., Sheaves, M., Shivji, M. S., Sianipar, A. B., Skomal, G. B., Soler, G., Syakurachman, I., Thorrold, S. R., Thums, M., Tyminski, J. P., Webb, D. H., Wetherbee, B. M., Queiroz, N., and Sims, D. W. (2024). Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature Climate Change.
Ashley M. Carreiro, Ryan J. Eckert, Alexis B. Sturm, Thomas C. Ingalls, Ian R. Combs, Brian K. Walker, Joshua D. Voss (2024). Assessment of nutrient amendments on stony coral tissue loss disease in Southeast Florida. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1384534.
Philip W. Stevens, Kyle L. Williams, Meredith B. Pfennig, Ryan W. Schloesser, Alexis A. Trotter, Derek P. Crane (2024). Use of hatchery-raised fish in validation of daily age estimates for juvenile Common Snook. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 16(6), e10321.
Judith M O’Neil; Jack G Greenwood; Patricia M Glibert; Caroline M Solomon; Joan Greenwood; Cynthia A Heil (2024). Plankton Community Changes and Nutrient Dynamics Associated with Blooms of the Pelagic Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium in the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Barrier Reef. Water, 16(12), 1663.
Emily R. Hall; Cynthia A. Heil; Jessica D. Frankle; Sarah Klass; Victoria Devillier; Vincent Lovko; Jennifer H. Toyoda; Richard Pierce (2024). Mitigation of Karenia brevis Cells and Brevetoxins Using Curcumin, a Natural Supplement. Water, 16(10), 1458.
Amanda L. Muni-Morgan; Mary G. Lusk; Cynthia A. Heil (2024). Karenia brevis and Pyrodinium bahamense Utilization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Urban Stormwater Runoff and Rainfall Entering Tampa Bay, Florida. Water, 16(10), 1448.
Crawford, L. M., Edelson, C. J., Hueter, R. E., & Gardiner, J. M. (2024). Behavioral electrosensitivity increases with size in the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 107, 257–273.
Márquez-Farías, J. F., Tyminski, J. P., Fischer, G. C., & Hueter, R. E. (2024). Length at life stages of the white shark Carcharodon carcharias in the western North Atlantic. Endangered Species Research, 53, 199-211.
Cong Fei; Anne Booker; Sarah Klass; Nayani K Vidyarathna; So Hyun Ahn; Amin R Mohamed; Muhammad Arshad; Patricia M Glibert; Cynthia A Heil; Joaquín M Martínez; Shady A Amin (2024). Friends and Foes: Symbiotic and Algicidal bacterial influence on Karenia brevis blooms. ISME Communications.
Istiak Hossain, Briana Mays, Sydney L Hanhart, John Hubble, Pedram Azizihariri, T.I. McLean, Richard Pierce, Vince Lovko, Vijay T John (2024). An effective algaecide for the targeted destruction of Karenia brevis. Harmful Algae, 128, 102707.
Kathryn Flowers, Elizabeth Babcock, Demian Chapman, Norlan Lamb, Ashbert Miranda, Randolph Nunez, Megan Kelley, Yannis Papastamatiou (2024). Classifying southern stingray activity states across abiotic factors in Belize coral reef ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Naomi Farabaugh, Mark Bond, Demian Chapman, Eric Clua, Alastair Harborne, Michelle Heupel, Jeremy Kizka, Michael Heithaus (2024). Incorporating environmental factors is critical for determining conservation baselines for relative abundance of sharks on coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 736, 93-105.
Smith, A. L., LaBadie, J., Busse, A., Solomon, E., Farrell, C, Holstein, D. M., Xue, Z., & Gravinese, P. M (2024). Will Climate Change Alter the Swimming Behavior of Larval Stone Crabs?: A Guided-Inquiry Lesson. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 39(4), 3-12.
Li, J., Gu, H., Lovko, V.J., Liang, C., Li, X., Xu, X., Jia, L., Jiang, M., Wang, J., Chen, J. (2024). The Ciliate Euplotes balteatus exhibits removal capacity upon the dinoflagellates Karenia mikimotoi and Prorocentrum shikokuense. Harmful Algae, 138, 102685.
Domenic Contrino, Leverto Jean Charles, Benjamin Pepper, Alisia Holland, Vince Lovko, Regina Rodriguez (2024). Activated carbon engineered solution to inactivate Karenia brevis and adsorb toxins associated with Florida Red Tide. Florida Water Resources Journal, 75(7), 72-79.
Aly Busse, Jennifer Ribble, Keiondra Marshall, Michael P. Crosby (2024). Building a more inclusive and impactful marine STEM undergraduate research experience: The Marine Science Laboratory Alliance Center of Excellence for broadening participation. Oceanography, 36(4), 102-105.