Dominique (they/them) is focused on Seagrass Ecosystem Research and Restoration.
Dr. Gallery joined Mote in 2024 as a postdoctoral fellow in the Seagrass Ecosystem Restoration research program after completing a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior at the University of Texas at Austin. Their graduate research evaluated the differences between cryptic lineages of two Caribbean coral species, Montastraea cavernosa and Siderastrea siderea, using genome-wide scale approaches. Through a combination of field and laboratory research, they focused on the complex interactions between a coral’s genetics and environment to assist conservation managers in restoration efforts. As a postdoctoral fellow at Mote, Dr. Gallery will use their expertise in genomics to identify seagrass genotypes with resilience to present and future environmental stressors. Similar to Mote’s successful coral restoration program, they will build and maintain a genetic library of seagrasses to be used in restoration efforts with collaborators from around the state of Florida.
Ph.D., Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Texas at Austin
B.S., Biology, University of South Florida
A.A., Culture, Science and Technology, Community College of Philadelphia
Additional Publications
Gallery DN, Rippe JP, Matz MV. (2024) Decrypting Corals: Does Regulatory Evolution Underlie Environmental Specialisation of Coral Cryptic Lineages? Molecular Ecology, 0:e17546.
Gallery DN, Green ML, Kuffner IB, Lenz EA, Toth LT. (2021) Genetic structure and diversity of the
mustard hill coral Porites astreoides along the Florida Keys reef tract. Marine Biodiversity. 51, 63.