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Dr. Ken Leber

Senior Scientist Emeritus

Emeritus Senior Scientists

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans




Ph.D. Marine Ecology, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University

M.S. Biology, Biology Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

B.S. Biology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

2008: Co-Chair, Fish Resources Committee, Cuba-Mexico-US Collaboration on Marine Science and Conservation.

2004: Courtesy Professor (Adjunct), Fisheries & Aquatic Science Program, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

1997: International Scientific Committee, 1st, 2nd (Chairman), 3rd, 4th International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching, Bergen, Norway (1997); Kobe, Japan (2002); Seattle, USA (2006); Shanghai, China (2011),

1996: Charles M. Breder Chair to Support the Study of the Biology, Behavior and Conservation of Fishes, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida.

1996: Steering Committee, William R and Lenore Mote International Symposia in Fisheries Ecology, Florida State University & Mote Marine Laboratory,

1996: Scientific Advisor, Stock Enhancement Program, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Florida.

1995-2000: Chairman, World Aquaculture Society International Working Group on Stock Enhancement.

1995-1996: President, American Fisheries Society, Hawaii Chapter.

1992-1993: Secretary-Treasurer, American Fisheries Society, Hawaii Chapter.

1977: Sigma Xi Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Soc., East Carolina University Chapter.

Current Publications

Schloesser, RW, Leber, KM, Brennan, NP, Caldentey, P (2021). A novel approach to estimate postrelease survival for estuarine fishes. Bulletin of Marine Science, 97(4.0), 575-598.
Lorenzen, Kai; Leber, Kenneth M; Loneragan, Neil R; Schloesser, Ryan W; Taylor, Matthew D. (2021). Developing and integrating enhancement strategies to improve and restore fisheries. Bulletin of Marine Science, 97(4.0).
Qin, C., Chen, P., Zhang, A., Feng, X., Yuan, H., Li, X., Yu, J., Leber, K.M. (2018). Impacts of marine ranching construction on sediment pore water characteristic and nutrient flux across the sediment-water interface in a subtropical marine ranching (Zhelin Bay, China). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16.0(1), 163-179.

Additional Publications

Marine Stock Enhancement:

Qin, C., Chen, P., Zhang, A., Feng, X., Yuan, H., Li, X., Yu, J., Leber, K.M. (2018). Impacts of marine ranching construction on sediment pore water characteristic and nutrient flux across the sediment-water interface in a subtropical marine ranching (Zhelin Bay, China). Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res., 16(1). 163-179. doi:10.15666/aeer/1601_163179

Ma, Qian, Seifu Seyoum, Michael D. Tringali, Matthew J. Resley, Nicole R. Rhody, Kevan L. Main and Kenneth M. Leber. 2017. Evaluating spawning performance among captive Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus broodstock using microsatellite-based parentage assignment. Aquac Res. 2017;00:1–12.

Taylor, M.D., R.C. Chick, K. Lorenzen, A. Agnault, K.M. Leber, H.L. Blankenship, G. Vanderhaegen, N.R. Loneragan. 2017. Fisheries enhancement and restoration in a changing world. Fisheries Research, 186(2):407-412.

Leber, K.M., C.-S. Lee, N. P. Brennan, S. M. Arce, C. Tamaru, L. Blankenship and R. T. Nishimoto. 2016. Stock enhancement of Mugilidae in Hawaii (USA). pp. 467-486 In: Crosetti, D. and S.J.M. Blaber (Eds). Biology, ecology and culture of grey mullets (Mugilidae). CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA. ISBN 9781482252125

Jesse T. Trushenski, H. Lee Blankenship, James D. Bowker, Thomas A. Flagg, Jay A. Hesse, Kenneth M. Leber, Don D. MacKinlay, Desmond J. Maynard, Christine M. Moffitt, Vincent A. Mudrak, Kim T. Scribner, Scott F. Stuewe, John A. Sweka, Gary E. Whelan & Connie Young-Dubovsky. 2015. Introduction to a Special Section: Hatcheries and Management of Aquatic Resources (HaMAR)—Considerations for Use of Hatcheries and Hatchery-Origin Fish, North American Journal of Aquaculture, 77(3):327-342.

Trushenski J., L. Blankenship, J. Bowker, T. Flagg, J. Hesse, K. Leber, K. Lorenzen, D. MacKinlay, D. Maynard, C. Moffitt, V. Mudrak (retired), K. Scribner, S. Stuewe, J. Sweka, G. Whelan & C. Young-Dubovsky. 2014. AFS Completes Assessment, Issues New Guidance Regarding Hatchery Operation and the Use of Hatchery-Origin Fish, Fisheries, 39:11, 543-547.

M. J. Resley, M. Nystrom, C. Yanes-Roca, K. M. Leber and K. L. Main. 2014. Controlled Maturation and Spawning of Captive Black Snook. World Aquaculture Sept. 2014:29-34.

Blankenship, H.L. and K.M. Leber. 2014. A responsible approach to marine stock enhancement. Pp 659-668. Reprinted In: Sass, G.G. and M.S. Allen (Eds) Foundations of Fisheries Science. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

Lorenzen, K., A.-L. Agnalt, H. L. Blankenship, A. Hines, K. M. Leber, N. R. Loneragan, M. Taylor. 2013. Evolving context and maturing science: aquaculture-based enhancement and restoration enter the coastal fisheries management toolbox. Reviews in Fisheries Science., 21:213-221.  

Taylor, M.D., N.P. Brennan, K. Lorenzen, K.M. Leber. 2013. Generalised Predatory Impact Model: A generalised numerical approach for assessing trophic limits to hatchery releases and controlling related ecological risks. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 21(3-4):341-353.

Camp, E.V., K. Lorenzen, R. N. M. Ahrens, L. Barbieri, and K.M. Leber. 2013. Potentials and limitations of stock enhancement in marine recreational fisheries systems: An integrative review of Florida’s red drum enhancement. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21(3–-4): 388–402. DOI: 10.1080/10641262.2013.83807

Leber, K.M. 2013. Marine Fisheries Enhancement: Coming of Age in the New Millennium. Pp. 1139-1157 In: P. Christou R Savin, B.A. Costa-Pierce, I. Misztal, C.B.A. Whitelaw (eds.), Sustainable Food Production. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Originally published in Robert A. Meyers (ed.). 2012. Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3

Leber, K.M. and H.L. Blankenship 2012. How advances in tagging technology improved progress in a new science: marine stock enhancement. Introductory chapter Pages 1-12 In: American Fisheries Society Symposium 76: 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Fish Marking and Tagging Technology. 

Lorenzen, K., K.M. Leber and H.L. Blankenship. 2010. Responsible approach to marine stock enhancement: an update. Reviews in Fisheries Science 18(2):189-210.Lorenzen, K., R.S. Steneck, R.R. Warner, A.M. Parma, F.C. Coleman, and K.M. Leber. (2010) The spatial dimensions of fisheries: putting it all in place. Bulletin of Marine Science 86(2):169-178.

Bell, Johann D., Kenneth M. Leber, H. Lee Blankenship, Neil R. Loneragan, Reiji Masuda and Geraldine Vander Haegen (Editors). 2008. A New Era for Restocking, Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching of Coastal Fisheries Resources. Special Issue, Reviews in Fisheries Science 16(1-3). 402 pp.

Bell, J.D., K.M. Leber, H.L. Blankenship, N.R. Loneragan, and R. Masuda. 2008. A new era for restocking, stock enhancement and sea ranching of coastal fisheries. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16(1-3): 1-9.

Brennan, N.P., C.W. Walters, and K.M. Leber.2008.Manipulations of stocking magnitude:addressing density dependence in juvenile cohorts of common snook Centropomus undecimalis.Reviews in Fisheries Science 16(1-3): 215-227.

Tringali, M.D., K.M. Leber, W.G. Halstead, R. McMichael, J. O’Hop, B. Winner, R. Cody, C. Young, C. Neidig, H. Wolfe, A. Forstchen, and L. Barbieri. 2008. Marine Stock Enhancement in Florida: A Multi-disciplinary, Stakeholder-supported, Accountability-based Approach. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 16(1-3):51-57.

Brennan, N.P., K.M. Leber, and B. R. Blackburn.2007. Use of coded-wire and visible implant elastomer tags for marine stock enhancement with juvenile red snapper. Fisheries Research. 83:90-97.

Brennan, N.P., M.C. Darcy, and K.M. Leber. 2006. Predator-free enclosures improve post-release survival of stocked common snook. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 335(2): 302-311.

Leber, K. M., R. N. Cantrell and P.S. Leung. 2005.Optimizing Cost-Effectiveness of Size at Release in Stock Enhancement Programs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1596-1608.

Brennan, N. P., K. M. Leber, H. L. Blankenship,J. M. Ransier, R. DeBruler, Jr.. 2005. An evaluation of coded wire and elastomer tag performance in juvenile common snook under field and laboratory conditions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:437-445.

Bartley, D.M. and K.M. Leber (Editors). 2004. Marine Ranching. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No 429. Food and Agricultureal Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 213 pp.

Leber, K. M. 2004. Marine Stock Enhancement in the USA: Status, trends and needs. Pp 11-24 In Leber, K.M., S. Kitada, T. Svåsand and H.L. Blankenship (Editors) Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching: Developments, Pitfalls and Opportunities. 2nd Edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. 562 pp.

Leber, K. M., S. Kitada, T. Svåsand and H.L. Blankenship (Editors). 2004. Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching: Developments, Pitfalls and Opportunities. 2nd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. 562 pp. Preview at Blackwell's web site for the book

Leber, K. M.2002. Advances in marine stock enhancement: shifting emphasis to theory and accountability. Pp 79-90 In Stickney, R. R. and J. P. McVey (eds) Responsible Marine Aquaculture CABI Publishing, New York.

Blaylock, R. B., Leber, K. M., Lotz, J. M., and D. A. Ziemann.2000. The U.S. Gulf of Mexico Marine Stock Enhancement Program (USGMSEP): The use of aquaculture technology in “responsible” stock enhancement. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 100(3):16-22.

Tringali, M.D. and K. M. Leber. 1999. Genetic considerations during the experimental and expanded phases of snook stock enhancement. Bull. National Research Institute Aquaculture (Japan) Suppl. 1:109-119.

Leber, K. M. 1999. Rationale for an Experimental Approach to Stock Enhancement. Pages 63-75 in Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching (Ed. by B.R. Howell, E. Moksness, and T. Svåsand) Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. 606 pages.

Pruder, Gary D., David A. Ziemann, Kenneth M. Leber, Jeffrey M. Lotz, William E. Hawkins, and Lytha D. Conquest. 1999. U.S. Gulf of Mexico marine stock enhancement five-year program: 1999 – 2004: Program management for planning, execution, review, and evaluation. Bull. National Research Institute Aquaculture (Japan) Suppl. 1:89-99.

Leber, K. M., N. P. Brennan and S. M. Arce. 1998. Recruitment patterns of juvenile, cultured Pacific threadfin, Polydactylus sexfilis (Polynemidae), released along sandy marine shores in Hawaii. Bulletin of Marine Science 62(2):389-408.

Leber, K. M., H. L. Blankenship, S. M. Arce, and N. P. Brennan. 1997. Influence of release season on size-dependent survival of cultured striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in a Hawaiian estuary. Fishery Bulletin, 95(2):267-279.

Leber, K. M. and C-S. Lee. 1997. Marine stock-enhancement potential with striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in Hawaii. Bulletin of National Research Institute for Aquaculture, Suppl.3:117-134.

Leber, K. M. and S. M. Arce. 1996. Stock enhancement effect in a commercial mullet Mugil cephalus fishery in Hawaii. Fisheries Management and Ecology 3:261-278.

Leber, K. M., S. M. Arce, D. A. Sterritt, and N. P. Brennan. 1996. Marine stock-enhancement potential in nursery habitats of striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in Hawaii. Fishery Bulletin 94(3):452-471.

Blankenship, H. Lee and Kenneth M. Leber. 1995. A responsible approach to marine stock enhancement. In Uses and effects of cultured fishes in aquatic ecosystems. American Fisheries Society Symposium 15:165-175.

Leber, K. M., N. P. Brennan, and S. M. Arce. 1995. Marine enhancement with striped mullet: are hatchery releases replenishing or displacing wild stocks? in Uses and effects of cultured fishes in aquatic ecosystems. American Fisheries Society Symposium 15:376-387.

Leber, K. M. 1995. Significance of fish size-at-release on enhancement of striped mullet fisheries in Hawaii. Journal World Aquaculture Society 26(2):143-153.

Marine Aquaculture:

Qin, C., Chen, P., Zhang, A., Feng, X., Yuan, H., Li, X., Yu, J., Leber, K.M. (2018). Impacts of marine ranching construction on sediment pore water characteristic and nutrient flux across the sediment-water interface in a subtropical marine ranching (Zhelin Bay, China). Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res., 16(1). 163-179. doi:10.15666/aeer/1601_163179

Ma, Qian, Seifu Seyoum, Michael D. Tringali, Matthew J. Resley, Nicole R. Rhody, Kevan L. Main and Kenneth M. Leber. 2017. Evaluating spawning performance among captive Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus broodstock using microsatellite-based parentage assignment. Aquac Res.2017;00:1–12.

Moss, S. M., G. D. Pruder, K. M. Leber and J. A. Wyban. 1992. Shrimp microcosm results: the relative enhancement of Penaeus vannamei growth by selected fractions of shrimp pond water. Aquaculture 101: 229-239

Freeman, D. W., E. O. Duerr, and K. M. Leber. 1992. Use of bagasse as a feed input to semi-intensive shrimp growout ponds. Journal World Aquaculture Society 23: 23-30.

Wyban, J. A., G. D. Pruder, K. M. Leber and L. Burzell. 1989. Paddlewheel effects on shrimp growth, production and crop value in commercial earthen ponds. Journal World Aquaculture Society 20(1): 18-23.

Leber, K. M. and G. D. Pruder. 1988. Using experimental microcosms in shrimp research: the growth-enhancing effect of shrimp pond water. Journal World Aquaculture Society 19(4): 197-203.

Marine Ecology:

Leber, K. M. and H. S. Greening. 1986. Community studies in seagrass meadows: a comparison of two methods for sampling microinvertebrates and fishes. Fishery Bulletin 84(2): 443-450.

Leber, K. M. 1985. Influence of decapod foraging and microhabitat complexity on seagrass communities: a field test of the refuge hypothesis. Ecology 66(6): 1951-1964.

Leber, K. M. 1982. Seasonality of macroinvertebrates on a temperate, high wave energy sandy beach. Bulletin of Marine Science 32: 86-98.

Leber, K. M. 1982. Bivalves (Tellinacea: Donacidea) on a North Carolina Beach: Contrasting population size structures and tidal migrations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 7: 297-301.

Leber, K. M. 1981. Spatial patterns of Ocypode quadrata: A re-evaluation. (Decapods, Brachyura). Crustaceana 41: 110-112.


Cantillo A. Y., E. Collins, K. M. Leber and S. Stover, Eds. 2004. Charles M. Breder, Jr.: Atlantis, 1934. NOAA/Mote Marine Laboratory/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Publication. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS CCMA 169. 49 pp.