In the Ocean Technology Research Program at Mote, John Langan assumes the roles of Program Manager and Senior Engineer. His diverse background encompasses a notable 20-year career in the US Marines, specializing as an F/A-18 Avionics technician. After an honorable retirement from the military, John transitioned to a path of academic and research pursuits.
Before joining Mote, John dedicated three years as a research officer at the University of Western Australia, contributing significantly to the School of Environmental Systems Engineering. Additionally, he spent six years as a lab instructor in the Environmental Engineering Department at Florida Gulf Coast University, imparting knowledge and inspiration to students.
B.S., Applied Science and Technology, Thomas A. Edison State College
M.S. Unmanned Systems, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, (on-going) Michigan Technological University