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Sheri Barton

Senior Biologist

Manatee Research Program

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans



Sheri joined Mote Marine Laboratory in 1995, first as an intern, then as a staff member in the Manatee Research Program. Sheri’s primary focus is on manatee photo-identification, behavioral studies, and genetic sampling. Her experience includes telemetry; habitat monitoring; marine mammal stranding response, rescue, and necropsy; and surveys of boater use of waterways and manatee speed zones. She is Mote’s manatee photo-identification project coordinator, the Manatee Individual Photo-Identification System (MIPS) database manager for Mote, and a member of Mote’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.


2006 Master of Science, Conservation Biology, University of South Florida
1995 Bachelor of Science, Biology, University of South Florida

Additional Publications

Castelblanco-Martinez, D.N., A. Alvarez-Aleman, R. Torres, A.L. Teague, S.L. Barton, K.A. Rood, E.A. Ramos, and A.A. Mignucci-Giannoni. 2021. First documentation of long-distance travel by a Florida manatee to the Mexican Caribbean. Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution, DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2021.1967457 
Hostetler, J.A., J. Martin, M. Kosempa, H.H. Edwards, K.A. Rood, S.L. Barton, and M.C. Runge. 2021. Reconstructing population dynamics of a threatened marine mammal using multiple data sets. Scientific Reports 11:2702. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-81478-z. 
Rood, K., A. Teague, S. Barton, A. Alvarez-Aleman, and E. Heib. 2020. First documentation of return movement from Cuba to the continental United States by a Florida manatee. Sirenews 71: 24-25.
Reynolds, J.E., III, J.A. Powell, L.W. Keith Diagne, S.L. Barton, and K.M. Scolardi. 2018. Manatees. Pages 558-566 in B.Wursig, J.G.M. Thewissen, and K.M. Kovacs (eds.) Encyclopedia of marine mammals, 3rd Edition. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Rood, K.A., S.L. Barton, and C.A. Beck. 2012. Partnering for success: Florida manatee photo-identification. Page 32 in E.M. Hines, J.E. Reynolds, III, L.V. Aragones, A.A. Mignucci-Giannoni, and M. Marmomtel (eds.) Sirenian Conservation. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Carney, S.L., E.E. Bolen, S.L. Barton, K.M. Scolardi, C.E. Englund, M.D. Tringali, and J.E. Reynolds, III. 2007. A minimally invasive method of field sampling for genetic analyses of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Marine Mammal Science 23(4):967-965.
Langtimm, C.A., C.A. Beck, H.H. Edwards, K.J. Fick-Child, B.B. Ackerman, S.L. Barton, and W.C. Hartley. 2004. Survival estimates for Florida manatees from the photo-identification of individuals. Marine Mammal Science, 20(3):438-463.