Articles by Stephannie

Watch: Salem the bottlenose dolphin

On Jan. 28, 2019, Mote Marine Laboratory staff released Salem, a bottlenose dolphin that had been in our care since she stranded on Oct. 31, 2018. Read about her release here. Check out this video about Salem's journey: Dr. Randall Wells, Director of Chicago Zoological Society's Sarasota...

Super Bowl LIII Prediction

Hugh and Buffett, resident manatees at Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium, have been predicting the winners of the Super Bowl for the past 11 years. Check out this year's prediction for Super Bowl LIII below:   Buffett's previous record is 9-2, while Hugh's is 6-5. Will Hugh be able...

Mote Marine Laboratory welcomes new veterinarian

Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium is very pleased to welcome Dr. Whitney Greene as its new veterinarian. Greene will provide medical care and treatment for all resident animals at Mote  Aquarium and rehabilitation patients at Mote’s hospitals for sea turtles and cetaceans (dolphins and whales)....