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Mote Research


Our Findings at Your Fingertips

Explore Mote Marine Laboratory's latest marine science by searching and browsing our peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, books and chapters.

This page launched in 2024 and is continually adding new citations. Thanks for your patience as we continue to upload Mote's collection dating back to the 1930s. See all citations by year in our annual reports.

2023 Scientific Publications

Courtney N. Klepac, Katherine R. Eaton, Chelsea G. Petrik, Lindsay N. Arick, Emily R. Hall and Erinn M. Muller (2023). Symbiont composition and coral genotype determines massive coral species performance under end-of-century climate scenarios. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 164.
Sayigh, L. S., El Haddad, N., Tyack, P. L., Janik, V. M., Wells, R. S., & Jensen, F. H. (2023). Bottlenose dolphin mothers modify signature whistles in the presence of their own calves. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, 27(27).
Gantt, S.E., Keister, E.F., Manfroy, A.A., Merck, D.E., Fitt, W.K., Muller, E.M. and Kemp, D.W. (2023). Wild and nursery-raised corals: comparative physiology of two framework coral species.. Coral Reefs.
Simpfendorfer, C. A., Heithaus, M. R., Heupel, M. R., MacNeil, M. A., Meekan, M., Harvey, E., Sherman, C. S., Currey-Randall, L. M., Goetze, J. S., Kiszka, J. J., Rees, M. J., Speed, C. W., Udyawer, V., Bond, M. E., Flowers, K. I., Clementi, G. M., Valentin-Albanese, J., Adam, M. S., Ali, K., … Chapman, D. D. (2023). Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays. Science, 380(6650), 1155-1160.
Nicolas R. Evensen, Katherine E. Parker, Thomas A. Oliver, Stephen R. Palumbi, Cheryl A. Logan, James S. Ryan, Courtney N. Klepac, Gabriela Perna, Mark E. Warner, Christian R. Voolstra , Daniel J. Barshis (2023). The Coral Bleaching Automated Stress System (CBASS): A low-cost, portable system for standardized empirical assessments of coral thermal limits. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 21, 421–434.
Fahlman, A., Tyson Moore, R. B., Stone, R., Sweeney, J., Faulkner Trainor, R., Barleycorn, A. A., McHugh, K., Allen, J. B., Wells, R. S. (2023). Deep diving by offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.). Marine Mammal Science.
Bruce E. Kurtz, James E. Landmeyer, James K. Culter (2023). Precipitation, submarine groundwater discharge of nitrogen, and red tides along the southwest Florida Gulf coast.. Heliyon, 9, e16046.
Eric Angel Ramos1,2 | Beth Brady3 | Jake Andrew Lasala3 | Angus Liebschner4 | Sander Obbink4 | Zoe Walker4 | Maegan Rebello5 | Marcelo O. Magnasco1 (2023). Antillean manatee calves in captive rehabilitation change vocal behavior in anticipation of feeding. Zoo Biology, 1-7.
Ashley Barratclough, Wayne E. McFee, Megan Stolen, Aleta A. Hohn, Gretchen N. Lovewell, Forrest M. Gomez, Cynthia R. Smith, Daniel Garcia-Parraga, Randall S. Wells, Celeste Parry, Risa Daniels, Sam H. Ridgway, and Lori Schwacke (2023). How to estimate age of old bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus); by tooth or pectoral flipper?. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1135521.
Jensen Havmand, F., Wolters, P., van Zeeland, L., Morrison, E., Ermi, G., Smith, S., Tyack, P. L., Wells, R. S., McKennoch, S., Janik, V. M., Sayigh, L. S. (2023). Automatic Deep-Learning-Based Classification of Bottlenose Dolphin Signature Whistles. The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, 1-12.
James V. Locascio, Christopher C. Koenig, Christopher R. Malinowski (2023). Absolute Abundance Estimates of Atlantic Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) on Spawning Aggregation Site. Fishes, 8, 394-407.
Lauran R. Brewster, Ali K. Ibrahim, James Locascio, Breanna C. DeGroot, Laurent M. Cherubin, Matthew J. Ajemian (2023). Seasonal Dynamics and Environmental Drivers of Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) Sound Production. Fishes, 8(293), 1-12.
Benjamin M. Binder, Guillaume Rieucau, James V. Locascio, J. Christopher Taylor, Kevin M. Boswell (2023). Active acoustic surveys reveal coastal fish community resistance to an environmental perturbation in South Florida. PeerJ, 11(e14888), 1-22.
Robert D. Ellis, Christopher C. Koenig, James Locascio, Christopher R. Malinowski, Felicia Coleman (2023). Spawning Migrations of the Atlantic Goliath Grouper Along the Florida Atlantic Coast. Fishes, 8, 398-423.
Ali Salem Altaher, Hanqui Ahuang, Ali K. Ibrahim, Ali Muhamed Ali, Ahmed Altaher, James Locascio, Michael P. McCallister, Matthew J. Ajemian, Laurent M. Cherubin (2023). Detection and localization of Goliath Grouper using their low-frequency pulse sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(4), 2190-2202.
Emily R. Hall, L. Kellie Dixon, Gary Kirkpatrick, Ari Nissanka, Brad Pederson (2023). Phytoplankton communities of the west coast of Florida – multiyear and seasonal responses to nutrient enrichment. Harmful Algae, 130, 102547.
Taylor B. L., Abel, G., Bader, D., Barlow, J., Braulik, G., Cipriano, F., Collins, T., DeMaster, D., von Fersen, L., Gomez, F., Hao, Y., Miller, P. S., Minton, G., Reeves, R. R., Rojas-Bracho, L., Secchi, E. R., Smith, C. R., Suydam, R., Wang, D., Wells, R. S., and Zerbini, A. (2023). Integrated Conservation Planning for Cetaceans. The Zoological Garden, 91, 101-112.
Cahill, B. V., Eckert, R. J., Bassos-Hull, K., Ostendorf, T. J., Voss, J. D., DeGroot, B. C., Ajemian, M. J. (2023). Diet and Feeding Ecology of the Whitespotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari) from Florida Coastal Waters Revealed via DNA Barcoding. Fishes, 8(8), 388.