
Green (Chelonia mydas)


Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded January 11, 2014
Location of Stranding Hutchinson Island
Date of Arrival January 12, 2014
Number of Days of Care 12 days

Final Disposition

Released 4 June 2012

"Abraham" upon arrival.

1/12 This sea turtle arrived at Mote with a necrotic and mumified left  pectoral flipper which was still entangled in monofilament. We removed the fishing line and started treating the animal with antibiotics.

1/13 Removed remains of flipper along with a small number of fibropapilloma tumors that the turtle presented with.

1/14 Turtle has started eating, which is a good sign!

3/26 Turtle continuing to heal despite a slight infection which is being treated with antibiotics.

6/4 Turtle responded to treatment and was taken back to the east coast for release!!

Sometimes human activities can have a detrimental affect on the marine animals that fascinate us so much. A few things you can do to help wild turtles include:

  • Stowing your trash (especially cigarette butts and plastic) and disposing of it in a closed container on shore
  • Making sure your fishing line is in good condition to help reduce breakage
  • Using corrodible hooks — that way, if you accidentally hook a sea turtle, the hook will rust away.

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab