
Green (Chelonia mydas)


Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded January 30, 2010
Location of Stranding Anna Maria Island, Holmes Beach
Date of Arrival January 30, 2010
Number of Days of Care 32

Final Disposition

Euthanized 3-3-2010

1/31 Turtle may have stranded because it was cold-stunned. Carpenter is in critical condition and has fibropapillomas (tumors) on both eyes. One eye appears to be seriously damaged by the tumors and medical staff hopes to surgically remove the tumors. Animal care staff has offered food, but it has shown little interest — taking only a tiny amount of squid. (33cm; 3.1kg) 3/3 This turtle has been struggling with buoyancy on and off and has never shown much interest in food. Radiographs are consistent with severe pneumonia compromising the entire right lung. Carpenter has been given several different antibiotics, but is not responding to the treatment. As the turtle's condition has continued to deteriorate, the decision was made to humanely euthanize this animal.

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