
Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)


Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded February 19, 2013
Location of Stranding Manasota Key, Englewood, Florida
Date of Arrival February 19, 2013
Number of Days of Care 315 days

Final Disposition

Released 12 July 2013

Chelsea upon admission

2/20 Turtle was found floating offshore and was lethargic with multiple small pink abrasions. 

2/21 Bloodwork indicates low calcium, phosphorus and hematocrit levels. Supplements will be given and turtle started on antibiotics. 

2/28 Turtle has adjusted well — eating all food offered and is active.

3/8 Turtle stopped eating, fecal sample revealed presence of parasites, turtle is now recieving anitparasitic medication.

3/18 Turtle started on iron injections. Still not eating and has lost weight, but is very active and swimming.

4/5 Animal finally eating well, needs to gain weight. An abscess has developed on the back of the turtles neck resulting in a deep wound.  Wound will be debrided and cleaned routinely. Turtle started on oral antibiotic.

4/22 Turtle has been placed on antimicrobials for abscess on back of neck.

5/13 Minor surgery to open abcess on neck. Remains on antibiotics.

6/17 Wound on neck healing well. Continuing with wound debridement weekly. Turtle is off all antibiotics.  Hope to release once wound is healed. 

7/12 Released off Manasota Key.

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab