Green (Chelonia mydas)


Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded September 27, 2013
Location of Stranding Sarasota County
Date of Arrival September 27, 2013
Number of Days of Care 367 days

Final Disposition

9/29/14 Mote staff released a CJ on Monday, Sept. 29, 2014, from the shore of Longboat Key.

9/28 This turtle was found floating past Mote Marine Laboratory's boat docks early Saturday morning. A fisherman netted the turtle, which was found to have wounds in its carapace from a boat strike. Fluids and antibiotics have been started.

10/06 Animal has started eating on its own.

10/30 Wounds continue to be debrided twice a week but are healing.  Animal eating all that is being offered. 

11/20 Turtle is off antibiotics and is eating all that is offered. 

12/16 Blood work shows possible infection, so turtle is back on antibiotics. 

1/10/2014 Blood work still showing improvement.  Will continue antibiotics. 

1/24 Animal's left shoulder appears to be swollen.  Pulled for radiographs. 

02/28 Turtle was taken to Dr. Chavet at Critical Vet Clinic in Sarasota for a CT on the shoulder. See pictures of the visit on the Clinic's Facebook page: facebook.com/CriticalVetCare

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