
Green (Chelonia mydas)

(ST 0669)

Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded August 25, 2006
Location of Stranding Crystal River Power Plant
Date of Arrival August 26, 2006
Number of Days of Care 325 days

Final Disposition

Released July 17, 2007 from Anclote Key near Tarpon Springs

sea turtle named crystal

Turtle on arrival.

8/27 Turtle was found at Crystal River Power Plant.  It has fibropapillomatosis (tumors on skin) and had several traumatic injuries, including a missing rear flipper and a fractured carapace, and has severe blood loss anemia.  Treatment has been initiated.  Radiographs did not reveal any internal tumors. 8/30 Turtle began eating yesterday afternoon and is now in shallow water.  Anemia is beginning to resolve. 8/31 Turtle has a good appetite and is beginning to swim some.  Anemia is continuing to improve. 9/3 Anemia is much better, so will probably have surgery later this week.  Appetite is great, eating almost everything offered to it. 9/6 Doing better every day. 9/13 Turtle had surgery yesterday to remove largest tumors and amputate injured flipper with bones exposed.  Surgery went very well and turtle is eating already this morning. 9/16 Surgical sites appear to be healing very well.  Turtle's appetite and behavior are excellent. 9/22 Continuing to do very well.  Sutures removed. 9/25 Doing very well. 10/1 Surgery sites are almost completely healed.  Appetite continues to be excellent and turtle is gaining weight. 10/7 Continued improvement. 10/18 Remaining tumors have now been removed and carapace fracture continues to heal well. 10/28 Carapace injury is looking very much improved.  Some of flipper wounds are not yet healed, but are healing. 11/28 Wounds are almost completely healed at this point in time and turtle is doing very well. 12/8 Continuing to do very well. 12/14 Still doing very well. 1/3/07 Continuing to do very well.  Gaining weight and carapace injury is almost healed. 1/18 Turtle continues doing very well. 1/31 More of the same. 2/28 Continuing to do well. 3/29 Still doing well. 4/16 Continues to do well. 4/27 Turtle has been put on a diet, due to excess weight gain. 5/23 Turtle is continuing to do well.  May be ready for release in another month or so. 6/1 Continuing to do well. 7/12 Turtle has been approved for release in the next week. 7/17 Turtle was released this morning from outside Anclote Key, north of Tarpon Springs, Florida.  Release went very well.

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab