
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

(ST 06140, Jetty Girl)

Age Class Subadult
Gender Female
Date Stranded November 10, 2006
Location of Stranding Venice Inlet, Florida
Date of Arrival November 10, 2006
Number of Days of Care 37 days

Final Disposition

Died on December 18, 2006

lateral view of sea turtle affected by red tide toxicosis

Photo of turtle on arrival affected by red tide toxicosis.

11/11 Turtle was found floating near Venice Inlet and was brought to the Hospital for rehabilitation.  Turtle appears to have red tide toxicosis.  Treatment has been initiated. 11/12 Turtle appears the same, no change.  Not able to swim. White count is very high. 11/15 Turtle is still not strong enough to be in water, but seems slightly improved. 11/28 Very little improvement in the last 10 days or so.  Still floating on a pad and being tube-fed. 12/8 Turtle is not doing very well, but still being tube-fed.  Not very responsive. 12/14 Still no change, but we have begun a new treatment.  Turtle has been diagnosed with lungworms, only the second case ever diagnosed in turtles, and is being treated for that as well. 12/19 Unfortunately, the turtle died late yesterday afternoon.  Necropsy this morning revealed an enlarged liver and spleen and a fungal pneumonia. Samples were collected for toxin analysis.

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