Joey (Marina)

Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

(ST05158, Marina)

Age Class Subadult
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded October 11, 2005
Location of Stranding Holmes Beach, Anna Maria Island, FL
Date of Arrival October 11, 2005
Number of Days of Care 57 days

Final Disposition

Died on December 8, 2005

lateral view of sea turtle

Turtle was found stranded on Holmes Beach.  It has a combination of symptoms of red tide toxicosis and lethargic loggerhead syndrome.  Turtle also shows evidence of a boat strike (not too serious), probably because the animal was floating.  Treatment has been initiated. 10/17 Still hanging in there, still somewhat responsive, but no better yet. 10/25 Slightly more responsive, but no other change. 11/2 Turtle was treated yesterday for blood flukes that may be adding to its problem.  Seems more responsive this morning. 11/11 No dramatic improvement, but still "hanging in there". 11/18 Turtle has actually started gaining some weight from being tube fed twice daily.  Still no dramatic improvement, but we are battling with a very high white cell count. 12/1 White count has come down greatly and starting to show a little head movement occasionally. 12/8 Turtle died without ever regaining consciousness.  Necropsy revealed kidney failure and lung and intestinal involvement.

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