
Green (Chelonia mydas)

(ST 1056)

Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded February 20, 2010
Location of Stranding Brevard County, Florida
Date of Arrival February 21, 2010
Number of Days of Care 92

Final Disposition

Released in Brevard County May 23, 2010

frontal view of a sickly sea turtle

2/22/2010  This turtle was found by divers during an underwater scientific survey, entangled in monofilament line.  The line was wrapped around both front flippers and extended into the mouth and down the turtle's throat.  X-rays showed no obvious hook connected to the line.  The external line was removed and cotton was attached to the line emerging from the turtle's mouth to help it ball up and pass through the intestines.  2/23  Turtle has swallowed the remainder of the line and the attached cotton.  We now are waiting to see if she will be able to pass the line on her own.  3/7  Turtle is eating small pieces of food well, but is not defecating consistently.  Have administered barium for serial X-rays to see if the GI tract is moving normally.

xray of a sea turtle   X-rays show barium moving through the GI tract, and have not yet shown an obvious obstruction or any sign of the monofilament line.  Turtle continues to eat and behave normally.   3/20  Karen started passing some of the monofilament this morning, and the entire tangle was out by midday!!  Appetite continues to be excellent.  Will take another X-ray in the next couple of days to make sure everything has passed.

monofilament fishing line found on a sea turtle

4/3  X-rays have shown that the barium is now completely out of the turtle's GI tract, taking almost a month to completely pass!  Current plan is to run recheck bloodwork sometime in the next week and, if everything looks good, turtle will be released on the East coast.  4/15  Karen continues to eat well, but still needs to gain some more weight and increase her red blood cell count before being released.  Otherwise doing well.  5/7  Turtle is doing well — needed to go back on antibiotics for a short time, but is now off all meds.  Will recheck blood sometime next week, and if it looks good, we are hoping to plan for release.  5/25  Karen was transported back to the East Coast this past weekend and released in the same area where she stranded!
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