
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

(ST 0943)

Age Class Subadult
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded July 3, 2009
Location of Stranding In Grass flats between Bird Key and North Siesta Key bridge
Date of Arrival July 3, 2009
Number of Days of Care 77

Final Disposition


7/4  Turtle was found floating with rear end up, unable to dive. Boat skeg mark was found on carapace but no fracture of the shell. Turtle was covered in barnacles and algae. Starting antibiotics and fluids. Will monitor the animal closely. 7/6 Turtle has begun to eat some squid. 7/19 Eating well, however, animal is still floating some. 8/7 Turtle continues to float, will try to remove some of the trapped air this morning. 9/21 Turtle continued to improve and was released this morning!

A crowd cheers Liberty back to sea during release.

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab