
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

(ST 0834)

Age Class Subadult
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded June 2, 2008
Location of Stranding Madeira Beach, Florida
Date of Arrival June 2, 2008
Number of Days of Care 1 day

Final Disposition

Died on June 4, 2008

Very emaciated turtle on admission.

6/3 Turtle was found floating in a canal in Madeira Beach, was taken to Clearwater Marine Aquarium, and then transported to the Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital.  Turtle is extremely emaciated, covered in algae and barnacles, anemic, and very weak.  It appears to be another Lethargic Loggerhead Syndrome animal, but the prognosis is very poor.  Have started treatment and placed the turtle under a water mister to keep it moist. 6/4 Turtle is slightly more responsive.  Continuing treatment. 6/5 Turtle died late last evening.  A necropsy will be performed tomorrow morning.

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