
Green (Chelonia mydas)

(ST 1069)

Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded March 19, 2010
Location of Stranding Longboat Pass
Date of Arrival March 19, 2010
Number of Days of Care 1383 days

Final Disposition

3/21/2010  This turtle was brought into Mote yesterday afternoon after apparently being struck by a boat.  The turtle has an open fracture of the skull above the right eye.  It is unclear if this injury will affect the turtle's vision.  Bloodwork does not show any significant abnormalities, so turtle was likely just "sunning" himself when struck.  Mate was placed into shallow water last night along with Chompers.  Turtle is moving around and breathing well today, but is not yet eating.  4/3  Mate started eating within a few days of admission, and now has a great appetite.  Turtle is not showing any negative neurologic signs and appears to have vision in both eyes.  Will reassess the head wound in a few days to determine if more advanced imaging is required (such as an MRI).  4/17  Mate is eating well and acting normally.  The head wound appears to be healing well and the turtle is showing no apparent neurologic signs.  Bloodwork shows signs of stress but no obvious infection so turtle is off antibiotics at this time. 5/12  Turtle continues to do well, and the head wound is completely healed.  Mate has developed a small abscess (local infection) on the back of his neck, so has been started back on antibiotcs to help this heal.  He now has a new tankmate, Humpty, as Chompers was recently released. The turtles are similar in size and are getting along fine.6/8  Mate continues to do well.  Turtle now has a tank to himself and seems comfortable.  Bloodwork is improving and the abscess looks much better, so antibiotics have been discontinued and we are watching for any signs of infection to return.6/22 Abscesson neck continues to heal well and the turtle has been able to stay off antibiotics. 7/2 Turtle was released this morning!!

Human activities can sometimes have negative affects on the animals that call Southwest Florida's coastal waters home.
Don't hide inside your shell. Donate to Mote today and help us return these animals to the wild.

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