Midnite Son

Green (Chelonia mydas)


Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded January 18, 2010
Location of Stranding Offshore in Sarasota
Date of Arrival January 18, 2010
Number of Days of Care 127

Final Disposition

Released May 25, 2010 off Lido Beach


1/19 Cold-stunned turtle picked up by a local fisherman and slowly warmed in a medical pool. Came in weighing 1.3 kg. Is 20.9 cm. Turtle is eating well and swimming fine.  3/14  Turtle continues to eat very well and gain weight.  Bloodwork shows some slight abnormalities in white blood cell count and turtle is being monitored closely.  4/3  Midnite Son is still doing very well and now weighs 1.7 kg. Bloodwork is normalizing, but turtle is not quite ready for release.  4/17  Turtle's weight gain is leveling off (which is good!) and Midnite is doing very well, but bloodwork values are still a little out of normal ranges. 5/12  Some of Midnite Son's bloodwork continues to be on the outside of normal ranges, but is heading in the right direction.  Turtle is eating extremely well and is growing rapidly.  We are monitoring to make sure the bloodwork continues to move toward the normal range, and when it does, we will consider release at that time. 5/25  Turtle is being released today!!  Midnite Son has been determined to be completely healthy for release, and will be returned to the Gulf of Mexico this morning off Lido Key!

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab