
Green (Chelonia mydas)

(ST 1055)

Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded February 20, 2010
Location of Stranding Vero Beach, FL
Date of Arrival February 21, 2010
Number of Days of Care 57

Final Disposition

Released April 19, 2010

2/24/2010  This turtle stranded on the east coast of Florida severely emaciated with multiple large barnacles on the carapace and head. Turtle has been placed into water with another small green, Midnite Son, and is swimming well.  Bloodwork shows a low glucose and low calcium level, and these are being supplemented.  3/25  Pip is eating very well and gaining weight consistently.  Bloodwork is unremarkable, and turtle is a good candidate for release as soon as body condition is adequate.  4/17  Pip is doing very well and steadily gaining weight.  Turtle appears to be medically fit for release, and we are working on the logistics of returning the turtle to the East coast for release in the near future.  4/23  Pip was cleared for release on Monday and because we already had a couple of turtles going back to the East Coast, he went along and was returned to the Atlantic Ocean!

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab