Rocky 2

Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)


Age Class Subadult
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded September 21, 2013
Location of Stranding Holmes Beach, Manatee County
Date of Arrival September 21, 2013
Number of Days of Care 233 days

Final Disposition

Turtle was deemed un-releasable and placed at Marineland, St. Augustine Florida, for permanent residence.

9/22  Stranded approximately 20 yards offshore. Turtle sustained severe boat strike to the head. Antibiotics and fluids have been started. 

10/01 Turtle still not interested in food and it remains on antibiotics and fluids and is in very critical condition.

10/18  Animal received an MRI from a local clinic.  Results found that the frontal region of the brain had a few lesions.  Consultant felt this was meningitis. Suspicious that the turtle has no vision in the left eye, probably due to the impact of the boat strike.  Starting turtle on a new antibiotic and will wait a week.  

11/01 Turtle is still not eating on its own, so we are having to hand-feed the daily diet.  Considering stabilizing skull fracture. 

11/22 Skull fracture seems to be healing and stabilizing on its own.  Still having to hand-feed turtle and administer antibiotics. 

12/20 Animal started eating on its own and is tracking food.  Possibly tracking food with its left eye. 

1/10/2014 Blood work continues to improve; animal is no longer on antibiotics.  Eating full diet on its own and is gaining weight. 

2/10  Moved to large medical tank for observation and to increase muscle tone.  Has gained weight, and blood levels are within normal ranges. 

03/03 Animal is doing well in deeper water and is scheduled for an exam in the near future.

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