
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

(ST 0636)

Age Class Subadult
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded May 6, 2006
Location of Stranding Cortez, FL
Date of Arrival May 6, 2006
Number of Days of Care 81 days

Final Disposition

Released July 26, 2006 from Lido Beach

5/7 Turtle was found off the end of 103rd Street in Cortez.  Turtle had numerous barnacles and lots of algae on its carapace.  There were many lesions on the carapace around the edge, one of which was almost into the right lung.  Turtle was started on antibiotics and fluids. 5/9 Turtle is still floating but is now eating and swimming.  Lesions are being treated daily and air has been aspirated from coelom. 5/12 Turtle continues to do fairly well but is still floating. 5/21 Removed more air from the coelom, but turtle is still floating.  Will continue removing air as necessary.  Appetite is good and turtle is gaining weight. 5/23 Yesterday, we removed 2.5 liters of air from a pocket deep in the coelomic cavity of the turtle.  It is now able to dive and rest on the bottom of the tank. 5/29 Turtle no longer has trouble staying on the bottom.  Appetite is good. 6/12 Continuing to do well and gain weight.  Have not removed any more air. 6/21 Doing very well and gaining weight. 7/7 Turtle has been moved to a large tank and is doing well.  Is responding to treatment. 7/18 Doing very well.  Anemia is almost gone.  May be ready for release soon. 7/24 Turtle was tagged today and may be released on Wednesday. 7/26 Turtle was released this morning at Lido Beach.  Release went very well.

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab