Super II

Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)


Age Class Subadult
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded April 23, 2004
Location of Stranding New Pass, Sarasota
Date of Arrival April 23, 2004
Number of Days of Care 96 days

Final Disposition

Released from Lido Beach, Sarasota, July 28, 2004

This turtle was found floating in New Pass. It was retrieved by a local fisherperson and brought to the Hospital. It is very anemic, lethargic, and dehydrated (very similar to Sherlock). Have started antibiotics and fluids and taken blood for tests. 4/25 Turtle ate a little last night, and even more this morning. Have started turtle on EPO for anemia. May have to give blood transfusion soon. 4/26 Anemia seems a little better today. Had to remove air from coelomic cavity, but turtle is now able to rest on the bottom under water. Took radiographs, but nothing evident. 4/29 Performed blood transfusion this morning as turtle was becoming even more anemic. Not eating, so we are tubing turtle twice daily. 5/5 Turtle began eating small amounts this morning. Anemia seems somewhat improved. 5/8 Turtle is now eating well and anemia continues to improve. 5/14 Continued improvement and gaining weight. 5/19 Anemia is not improving as quickly as we would like. Continuing treatment. 5/26 Turtle is doing well, but anemia has not improved. 6/5 Anemia is finally improving again and appetite continues to be good. 6/13 Continued improvement. Gaining weight. 6/19 Continuing to improve. 7/14 Anemia is almost completely gone. May be able to release this turtle soon. 7/21 We have applied for permission to release the turtle next week. Will tag it later this week. 7/28 Turtle was released this morning from Lido Beach, Sarasota. Turtle swam away well.


Frontal view

Lateral view

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab