
Green (Chelonia mydas)

(ST 1099)

Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded April 20, 2010
Location of Stranding Dubai Long Pier, Pinellas County, FL
Date of Arrival April 21, 2010
Number of Days of Care 1350 days

Final Disposition

Released on October 8, 2010

4/23/2010  This turtle was nicknamed Terra, the Latin word for Earth because it arrived on Earth Day. The turtle was found entangled in several different types of braided and monofilament fishing line and also has papilloma tumors.  Turtle has an injury and possible fracture to the left front flipper, but is otherwise in decent body condition.  Treatment has been initiated with fluids and antibiotics and turtle has already started eating. 5/12  Terra is doing very well — eating eagerly and gaining weight. The injured flipper is missing several small bones on radiographs, but does not appear to be causing the turtle any significant problems. Surgery to remove the papilloma tumors will likey be performed at the end of next week. 5/25  Terra had surgery over the weekend to remove the papilloma tumors.  Turtle did well in surgery and recovered from the anesthesia.  Terra did inhale some water after being placed back into her tank (a rare but possible complication with any anesthesia recovery), but fortunately she was being watched closely and it was caught quickly.  The turtle was tipped head down to allow the water to drain out of her lungs and kept out of the water overnight and seems to have recovered completely.  She is still being treated with antibiotics to head off any pneumonia as a result of getting water in its lungs.6/8  Terra has recovered from her anesthesia incident without any obvious consequences.  Turtle is eating very well and showing no signs of respiratory issues.  Wounds are healing well and turtle remains on antibiotics.6/22 Terra remains on antibiotics but is otherwise doing well.The turtle now shares a tank with another one of the hospitals papillomas patients, Zora. 7/24 Turtle continues to heal and will be evaluated for the possibility of release. 8/8 Chemistry panel showed kidney issues; these need to be resolved before release is possible. 10/1 Waiting for recent chemistry results and hopefully we will apply for release in the upcoming weeks. 10/8 Terra swam off in a hurry at the release today off of Longboat Key!

Human activities can sometimes have negative effects on the animals that call Southwest Florida's coastal waters home.
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