
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)


Age Class Subadult
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded March 15, 2013
Location of Stranding Manatee County, Florida
Date of Arrival March 15, 2013
Number of Days of Care 79 days

Final Disposition

Released 3 June 2013

Tyler upon admission

3/16 Turtle found floating and lethargic.  Extreme barnacle growth all over head and flippers. 

3/17 Bloodwork indicates critically low HCT, low calcium and potassium levels. Turtle started on fluid therapy and antiobiotic treatment.  Also being given antiparasite meds. Turtle is likely a lethargic loggerhead.

3/18  Turtle is eating food offered. Calcium, potassium and phosphorus supplements given in food.

3/28 Animal is foraging great and doing well in medical pool.  Antibiotic treatments have continued.

5/16 Turtle is on iron injections, bloodwork is starting to normalize and turtle has shown great improvement.

6/3 Tyler was released on Anna Maria Island! C-ya Tyler!

Tyler's release

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab