Valentine II

Green (Chelonia mydas)


Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded February 12, 2011
Location of Stranding Anna Maria Island, Manatee County
Date of Arrival February 12, 2011
Number of Days of Care 1053 days

Final Disposition

Released 8/29 from Longboat Key

2/13 Valentine arrived at the hospital missing the left front flipper and covered in papilloma tumors. The reason for the missing flipper is unknown. The turtle was given fluids and water tested. Valentine did well in the water and was left there overnight.  2/14 Valentine started to eat on Valentine's Day. 2/25 Valentine had surgery to remove the papilloma tumors today. The turtle recovered quickly and was eating the next day.  3/28 Valentine has continued to heal from surgery but there is one area of concern that may require a second surgery to correct. 4/25 Valentine continues to improve and is eating very well! The turtle had a thorough cleaning of the area of concern, which turned out to be a small abcess. 5/18 The wound on Valentine's side continues to heal. The turtle has quite an appetite that will help accelerate the healing time. 6/2 Val's most recent blood work showed an elevated white blood cell count. The turtle has been started on antibiotics, but that does not seem to be slowing Val's appetite! 6/13 Val continues to eat and the wound on the turtle's carapace continues to heal. 7/31 The turtle has passed its last health exam and will be considered for release if it continues to have no re-growths over the next few weeks. Off all medications! 8/22 Valentine has been declared releasable and will be released on Friday if the weather isn't a factor (Hurricane Irene)!  8/29 The release was actually delayed a few days, but Valentine was returned to sea today from the Broadway Beach Access on Longboat Key.

@motemarinelab #motemarinelab