
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

(ST 0694)

Age Class Adult
Gender Male
Date Stranded September 7, 2006
Location of Stranding Boca Grande
Date of Arrival September 7, 2006
Number of Days of Care 71 days

Final Disposition

Released November 17, 2006 from Anna Maria Island

Turtle on arrival.

9/8 Turtle was found on the beach at Boca Grande.  Turtle is very lethargic, very poorly responsive, and is likely affected by red tide toxicosis.  Treatment has been initiated. 9/9 Turtle is much better today with a new treatment being tested for red tide toxicosis. Turtle was placed in shallow water this morning and is swimming occasionally. 9/11 Turtle seems stronger every day.  Water depth has been increased somewhat to make it easier for the turtle to move around.  Not eating well yet, but that should follow soon. 9/13 Turtle continues to improve and is in somewhat deeper water now. 9/15 Turtle appears much weaker today and had to be removed from the water and placed on a pad to facilitate breathing. 9/16 Turtle is still quite weak and poorly responsive. 9/18 Turtle is somewhat stronger today and was taken off the pad.  It is once again able to raise its head to breathe. 9/22 Turtle is now in deeper water and is swimming some again.  Blood results received today indicated very high levels of red tide toxin in the blood.  We have begun to tube feed the turtle until it begins to eat. 9/25 Changed from tube feeding to force feeding as turtle is much stronger.  Have put turtle in much deeper water and is doing well. 10/1 We were able to get turtle to eat some crabs, but still not eating other food.  Doing very well otherwise. 10/7 Turtle is occasionally eating and is swimming well. 10/11 Appetite is now consistently good, and is improving daily. 10/18 Turtle is now gaining weight well and seems to be on the road to recovery. 10/28 Continuing to improve. 11/9 Turtle is doing very well and may be releasable in the next couple of weeks. 11/15 Turtle is doing so well that we applied for release this morning. 11/16 Turtle has been approved for release and was fitted with a satellite-linked transmitter this morning.  Planning for release tomorrow morning. 11/17 Turtle was released this morning from the north end of Anna Maria Island. Click here to view sea turtle tracking information.

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