
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)


Age Class Juvenile
Gender Unknown
Date Stranded May 3, 2013
Location of Stranding Flager Beach, Flager County Florida
Date of Arrival May 5, 2013
Number of Days of Care 111

Final Disposition

Released 23 August 2013

Ziti upon arrival

5/4 Turtle stranded lethargic and underweight with significant barnacle growth.  Volusia County Marine Science Center recovered turtle initially and transported to Sea world the next day due to overflow of sea turtle patients from a mass stranding event.

5/6 Turtle arrived at Mote's hospital lethargic and unable to rest on bottom of medical pool.  Turtle has buoyancy issues and is being kept in low water.  Started on fluid therapy and needs calcium, phosphorus, and iron supplements. 

5/21 Turtle is eating well.  Started on antibiotic therapy.  Buoyancy issue persists, still in low water level.

6/8 Starting to spend more time resting on bottom, more active and alert.  Turtle being treated with antiparasitics.

7/15 Turtle is showing great improvement. Gaining weight and eating well. Continues with antibiotic treatment.

8/23 Released near Flagler Beach.

Ziti during treatment

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