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Click each tab for seasonal updates from the Florida Red Tide Mitigation & Technology Development Initiative, including annual reports published each winter–spring.

Summer 2024
  • The Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative was renewed on July 1, 2024 by the Governor and Legislature under Florida Statute 379.2273.
Winter 2023-2024
  • Screenshot of the Red Tide Initiative report 2024In January 2024, Mote published its fourth Initiative Report (click thumbnail to view or download), a requirement of 379.2273(2)(d) Florida Statutes. It contains an overview of the Initiative’s accomplishments to date and priorities for subsequent years:
  • In February, Mote staff attended the Gulf of Mexico Conference in Tampa, Florida to present current Red Tide research funded by the Initiative. 
  • During the Spring, multiple Initiative projects that were approved for field testing began small scale trials in a secluded canal to understand real-world application of mitigation products. The proper permits were acquired from the Environmental Protection Agency, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
  • Mote is working with a growing number of state approved Emergency Response Organizations to coordinate and execute the deployment of red tide products.
  • In June, Mote Staff attended the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography in Madison, Wisconsin to participate in a session on prevention, control, and mitigation (PCM) of harmful algae blooms (HABs).
  • The Initiative program continues to synergize with the U.S. Harmful Algal Bloom Control Technologies Incubator and the FLDEP Innovative Technologies for HABs Program by leveraging funds for projects and providing testing space at Mote’s Red Tide Initiative Facility.


Summer & Fall 2023
  • Mote funded eight additional projects under the Red Tide Initiative 5th Request for Proposals.
  • Red Tide Initiative Staff presented a webinar for the International Society of Automation to discuss deployment mechanisms for mitigation efforts.
  • Mote hosted the second annual two-day workshop on the Initiative on Aug. 24-25, 2023, which included presentations by the scientists funded under the Initiative, and discussions on commercialization of the mitigation tools and technologies.
  • Mote and its partners conducted numerous meetings with local, state and federal regulatory agencies, including EPA, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the US Army Corps of Engineers, to obtain permits for field testing of mitigation projects.
  • Mote Staff attended the International Workshop on Solutions to Control HABs in Marine and Estuarine Waters in Seattle, Washington.
Winter & Spring 2022-2023
  • Mote Red Tide Initiative staff attended the Florida Automation Expo to continue exploring deployment and scalability issues for mitigation tools and technologies.
  • On November 17, 2022, in accordance with 379.2273 Florida Statutes, Mote hosted the sixth meeting of the Red Tide Initiative Technology Advisory Council.  For more details, meeting minutes and presentations, please visit the Technology Advisory Council page.
  • Mote Red Tide Initiative staff attended the St Petersburg, Florida Boat Show with partners in January to educate the public on current Red Tide mitigation projects and solicit feedback from the boating community.
  • In January 2023, Mote published its third Initiative Report (click thumbnail to view or download), provided below, a requirement of 379.2273(2)(d) Florida Statutes. It contains an overview of the Initiative’s accomplishments to date and priorities for subsequent years.
  • Mote announced the fifth request for proposals under the Red Tide Initiative, open March 3–April 7, 2023, on the Initiative homepage.
Summer & Fall 2022
  • Mote hosted a two-day workshop on the Initiative on Aug. 11–12, 2022, which included presentations by the scientists funded under the Initiative, and discussions on commercialization of the mitigation tools and technologies.
  • Mote and Red Tide Initiative partners attended the US HAB Symposium in Albany, New York where they presented on current mitigation projects, collaborated with HAB researchers from around the world, and launched the US HAB Control Technologies Incubator in partnership with NOAA and the University of Maryland, using the Red Tide Initiative as a successful model to follow.
Winter & Spring 2022
  • Screenshot of the Red Tide Initiative report 2021In January 2022, Mote’s Kevin Claridge presented an update on the Red Tide Initiative to the FWC Harmful Algal Bloom / Red Tide Task Force
  • In January 2022, Mote published its second Initiative Report (click the thumbnail to download), a requirement of 379.2273(2)(d) Florida Statutes. It contains an overview of the Initiative’s accomplishments to date and priorities for subsequent years.
  • Since the grand opening of the Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Facility in August 2021, Mote has hosted six Initiative projects and seven partner institutions to complete experimental testing of mitigation tools/technologies on red tide and various natural ecosystem components.
  • Mote developed a new area within the Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Facility to streamline processing red tide samples for toxins as part of Initiative research.
  • Mote highlighted the progress of the Red Tide Initiative at a reception with numerous posters and scientists available to explain the research findings and next steps at the Florida Capitol during Florida’s Oceans Day in Tallahassee on Feb. 1, 2022.
  • The 4th Request For Proposals was opened on Feb. 11, 2022, and closed April 15, 2022.
  • On Feb. 18, 2022, in accordance with 379.2273 Florida Statutes, Mote hosted the fifth meeting of the Red Tide Initiative Technology Advisory Council at Mote Aquaculture Research Park, providing a tour of the Red Tide Mitigation Facility for the TAC members and public attendees. For more details, meeting minutes, and presentations, please visit the Technology Advisory Council page.
  • Mote hosted a webinar on Feb. 24, 2022, to provide an overview of the Red Tide Initiative, the progress made, and the fourth Request For Proposals. PowerPoint slides can be found at this link.
  • Mote has completed numerous new updates to the Beach Condition Reporting System, adding new locations, educational videos, tools, and making the app/website interface even more user-friendly.
  • Mote continues to provide tours of the Red Tide Mitigation Research Facility and presentationsabout the Initiative upon request or at professional scientific meetings/conferences.
Summer & Fall 2021
  • In May of 2021 Mote welcomed Betty Staugler, the NOAA HAB Liaison through UF Sea Grant to utilize Mote office space at both the City Island and Aquaculture Park campuses in Sarasota. Ms. Staugler is assisting many national HAB efforts under a contract from NOAA, including partnership and education/outreach of the Red Tide Initiative.
  • In accordance with 379.2273 Florida Statutes Mote hosted the fourth, Technology Advisory Council meeting on July 22, 2021. For more details, meeting minutes, and presentations, please visit the Technology Advisory Council page.
  • Mote hired Katherine Felch as the Culture Lab Technician for the Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Facility.  Ms. Felch has lab culturing and a field and lab water quality background from both the US East and West coast, a Bachelor’s Degree from University of Maine and a Master’s Degree from Western Washington University.
  • On Aug 3, 2021, Governor DeSantis publicly opened a state-of-the-art recirculating seawater facility located at the Mote Aquaculture Research Park where partnering scientists and engineers from around the country are testing mitigation technologies before they are deployed in bays and coastal waters in order to ensure they will do no greater harm to these ecosystems than the red tide itself.
  • The Initiative awarded year-3 competitive grants in mid-September to nine partner projects focused on developing and advancing innovative methods to fight Florida red tide.
  • In September 2021, Prescott Clean Water Technologies demonstrated their Ozonix® water treatment technology at the Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Facility at the Mote Aquaculture Research Park for numerous elected officials and partners.
Winter & Spring 2020-2021
  • Screenshot of the Red Tide Initiative report 2021-01-27On April 6, 2021, Kevin Claridge presented an update on the Red Tide Initiative to the FWC Harmful Algal Bloom / Red Tide Task Force.
  • Mote announced that the third Request for Proposals opened on March 1 and closed on April 16, 2021
  • Mote hosted a webinar on the 3rd Request For Proposals on March 25, 2021, to provide an overview of Initiative progress and answer any questions about the proposal process.
  • Mote published the included Accomplishments and Priorities Report. (Click thumbnail to download.) This report, provided to meet the requirement of 379.2273(2)(d) Florida Statutes, contains an overview of the Initiative’s accomplishments to date and priorities for subsequent years. Published January 2021.
Summer 2020
  • In accordance with 379.2273 Florida Statutes Mote hosted the third Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative, Technology Advisory Council meeting on October 2. For more details, please visit the Technology Advisory Council page.
  • The Initiative awarded year-2 competitive grants in mid-October to seven partner projects focused on developing and advancing innovative methods to fight Florida red tide impacts. Summaries of all funded projects to date can be found at this link.
  • Mote hired Lizabeth Longstreet to oversee and assist Initiative projects at the Mote Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Facility. Liz is a Florida local who grew up in the Sarasota/Pinellas County area, she has a bachelor’s degree in marine biology from Eckerd College, and most recently worked for the Florida DEP Tampa Bay Aquatic Preserves, where she gained experience with Florida marine habitats, red tide and its impacts, and water quality monitoring.
Spring 2020
  • Mote hosted a webinar on the 2nd Request For Proposals on May 15 to provide an overview of Initiative progress and answer any questions about the proposal process—the presentation slides are available at this link.
  • The Initiative awarded year-1 competitive grants to five partner projects focused on developing and advancing innovative methods to fight Florida red tide impacts. Full story with project descriptions
  • In accordance with 379.2273 Florida Statutes Mote hosted the second Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative, Technical Advisory Council meeting on April 3, for more details please visit Mote’s event calendar.
  • Mote hosted a webinar on the 1st Request For Proposals on Jan. 28 to provide an overview of Initiative progress and answer any questions about the proposal process—the presentation slides are available at this link.
Fall & Winter 2019
  • In accordance with 379.2273 Florida Statutes Mote hosted the first Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative, Technical Advisory Council meeting. For more details please visit Mote’s event calendar.
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Noah Valenstein appointed David Whiting to the Initiative Technology Advisory Council.
  • Mote announced Request For Proposals at the 10th US HAB Symposium: news release
    (Proposal submission information was made available on the Red Tide Initiative homepage.)
  • Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Jose R. Oliva appointed Dr. James “Buddy” Powell to the Initiative Technical Advisory Council.
  • FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Director Gil McRae appointed Dr. Katherine Hubbard to the Initiative Technical Advisory Council.
  • President of the Florida Senate Bill Galvano appointed Dr. James Sullivan to the Initiative Technical Advisory Council.
  • Mote appointed Kevin Claridge as the Initiative Administrator. Mote press release